Page 109 of Talk About… Dramay
“We just noticed that your mood shifted a bit when talking about the nest,” he started, but even he seemed out of his element, glancing at Tate for backup.
“That and your heat’s approaching. We need to talk about that anyway,” Tate supplied.
Cameron, apparently, wasn’t so gentle. He looked right at our omega.
“Baby, have you nested at all since…?”
Her eyes watered, and she shook her head a little. “No, I can’t... it’s not…” She stumbled over her words, which was not like her. Before the panic really took over, she rushed to the other room. “I gotta go check on Henry.”
“Wait,” Tate said. She froze at the door, her entire body slumping. “Look, we don’t have to talk about the nesting right now, but we do need to talk about heat. Are we spending it in this room?”
“Yes,” she said, grasping onto that word like a lifeline and holding it tight. She lowered her head and turned around. Those gorgeous, ocean blues swam with tears and worry but we weren’t going to walk away just because she didn’t want to nest.
“What about bites? Do you want to bond with us all?” I asked carefully. I had no idea if she bonded with anyone outside of Roman and Cameron yet, and didn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable.
Yet, I needed to know for myself, too. Because I wanted that, so fucking bad.
A tear finally fell as she shook her head vigorously. “I do.”
“We do, too,” I reassured her. “Weallwant you. We just want to make sure you’re comfortable doing it during your heat. I know instincts can get out of hand.”
“Just… don’t treat me like I’m fragile,” she said, looking almost disgusted with herself at being vulnerable. I hated that she’d had to put up so many walls. One glance at Cameron told me he was one step away from puking.
“We won’t,” Tate promised. “You aren’t fragile. But we will be gentle with you when you need it. That doesn’t make you weak.”
His words were cut with a hard edge, making it clear we disagreed with her view of herself. It might take a while to fix what was broken, but that was fine. We weren’t going anywhere.
“Any hard limits?” Hudson asked. “Things you don’t like?”
“My Omega is pretty vocal. She’ll tell you,” she promised. “I just want you guys there. Be with me, take care of me, and don’t fucking leave me.”
“We would never,” I promised. Hudson nudged Cameron, because really, it was him who needed to give her the reassurance for this one.
“I’ll be here the whole time. I won’t leave your side,” he vowed. There was enough determination and promise in his words that she let out a breath, nodded, and turned, hurrying away before we could bring up nesting again.
“You’ve got to fix that,” Hudson said, looking right at Cameron. “She’s an Omega. She needs her nest. It’s her safe space. We can prepare this room, but she needs the option.”
Cameron’s eyes flickered right to me, shocking me, and then to Roman. “Can you two help me? I’ve got a couple of ideas, but…” he trailed off.
“Of course,” I said without hesitation. I turned to Tate and Hudson. “Can you guys distract her with a date?”
“Of course,” Hudson agreed.
Tate nodded, running a hand over his stubble. “We’ll take her out for dinner. Can you be done by tonight?”
“Come hell or high water,” Cameron promised.
No matter what they’d been through in the past, and whatever had gone down between them, Cameron was a good alpha.
It may have taken him time to get there, but he was there now, and he was trying his best to be what she needed. I hoped this was the final thing to reassure her omega that we were all here and wouldn’t leave her.
Five minutes later, the front door closed.
“So, where do we start?” I asked, looking at Cam. He let out a sigh and turned to the door that had yet to be opened. The hinges creaked as if it hadn’t been used in months, and from the musty smell, it definitely hadn’t.
Our girl hadn’t opened this one time.
Everything in the small room was white. There was a wall-to-wall mattress, so everywhere you stepped, it was soft. The small space was covered in a big white blanket, and the walls were plain.