Page 68 of Forbidden Games
She pushed his hand away from her. “You’re wrong.”
“Am I?”
She wanted to smack that smug look off his face, but that wasn’t how she operated. She stepped back and then stepped back again. “The terms are what they are. If you can’t respect that, stay the hell away from me.”
He blinked, as if he hadn’t expected her response. “Allie—”
“No, you will not ‘Allie’ me as if I’m being irrational. I want you. We both know it. Whatyoudon’t seem to be able to wrap your brain around is that while you might be ruled by your cock,Iam more than capable of making decisions that aren’t based in sex.” She forced herself to turn around and walk away from him. “If you change your mind, you know where to find me.”
She didn’t give him a chance to respond before she picked up her pace and made her way back into the lantern light now illuminating the bar area. Becka turned away from the handsome bartender and raised her eyebrows. “You look like you’ve been up to no good.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She took the bar stool next to her friend and downed the tequila shot waiting for her without hesitation.
“That was mine,” Becka said mildly.
“I’ll get you the next one.” She shook her head. “What am I saying? They’re included.” She’d lost her damn mind. There was no other explanation for how she was acting—like a horny teenager who didn’t care what was at stake as long as she got hers. Allie was better than that. She had to be.
The bartender poured them each another shot and set a fresh margarita in front of Allie. “Ring the bell if you need me.”
“Sure thing, sweetie.” Becka barely waited for him to walk out of eyesight before she swung around to face Allie. “Explain yourself. I didn’t think you needed assistance, but I can’t tell if you’ve been in a fistfight or fucking against a tree.”
Allie’s face flamed. “We didn’t have sex.”
“But you didsomethingagainst a tree.” She shook her head. “For a woman who says you despise that man, you are having a hell of a time keeping your hands off him.”
She started to protest, but what was the point? Allie could chalk up the night before to her not knowing who he was, but she didn’t have that excuse this time. She knew who Roman was and why he was here, and she’d still stuck her hand down his pants. “I get around him and my rational brain shuts off. It’s like I have a lady Neanderthal in there, and she’s decided she really likes the look of Roman and wants to bang his brains out and to hell with the consequences.”
“This is a new thing for you.” Becka downed her shot and set the glass on the bar with a faint clink. “It’s disconcerting, huh? To have rational Allie who follows all the rules overrun by the hindbrain.”
That was exactly it. She kept saying she didn’t do things like this, but only because it was the truth. Back in New York, Allie never would have laid down the offer she’d just given Roman. She wouldn’t have gone home with him in the first place. She glared at her tequila shot. “I think they pump something into the air on this island to make people act irrational.”
“Or maybe...just maybe—” Becka nudged the shot into her hand “—it mightpossiblybe that you’ve been wound so tightly for a seriously long time that the first situation that arose where no one was depending on you, you let yourself live a little. You don’t have to play whipping girl about this, Allie. It’s okay to want him.”
But itwasn’tokay.
She didn’t know how to reconcile the person she was back home and the woman she was acting like here. “I’m not supposed to want him. Anyone but him.”
“Ah.” Becka nodded and took a long drink of the pink thing in front of her. “I don’t have an easy answer for that. You going to his place tonight?”
“No.” She might want him more than she had a right to, but that didn’t change the fact that shedidn’twant to talk business with him—or, rather, fight about business. If he couldn’t agree to that bare minimum, then the pleasure wasn’t worth the pain.
She just had to keep reminding herself of that.
Roman didn’t sleep well. Every noise brought him fully awake, sure that Allie had changed her mind. He knew she wouldn’t. She had drawn that line in the sand and she was stubborn enough not to cross it. He might have bullshit her yesterday, but he knew the truth.
The ball was in his court.
He woke early and attended the sunrise yoga class. There were a few people there he didn’t recognize, but neither Allie nor Becka showed up. It was a relief to turn off his mind for a bit, but the feeling lasted until he walked into the tiny business center and went through the irritating process of checking his email.
Aaron had come through for him.
Roman stared at the document for a long time before he printed it. Even if he decided to take Allie up on her offer, he still had his eye on the prize for when they got back to New York. That meant he needed the deeper research so he could figure out how to play this. They were down to the wire.
It wasn’t completely his fault, but that didn’t change the bottom line.
He gathered the papers, double-checked to make sure the document hadn’t downloaded on the computer and logged off. There was plenty of time to get his reading done and then figure out how he’d plan the rest of the day. Accidentally running into Allie might be entertaining as fuck, but it wasn’t accomplishing anything. He had to figure out a better way to go about this.
I could take her up on the offer.