Page 24 of Forbidden Games
That wasn’t what they were discussing, though, and she didn’t appreciate his attitude. The whole point of this was to market her—for lack of a better word—to these men, and he was acting like she’d been out of line. It wasn’t a dress she would have worn for work, but it was a far cry from indecent. He was acting like she’d shown up in a minidress with all her goods on display. Lucy glared. “I’ll wear whatever I please.”
“Wrong. You’ll wear something that doesn’t project sex.”
“You can’t be serious.” She threw up a hand. “I am more than capable of dressing myself. The lingerie excepting, I don’t need or want your opinion.”
Gideon set the wineglass down and advanced on her, a forbidding expression on his handsome face. A muscle in his jaw jumped and her stomach leaped in response. He stopped mere inches away. “You wear some shit like you wore tonight and you won’t like the results.”
She could barely catch her breath with him so close. “What are you going to do, Gideon? Put me over your knee? I don’t think so.”
“Put you over my knee.” His hands came down on either side of her, bracketing her in. Still, he didn’t touch her. “Yes, Lucy, that’s exactly what I’ll do. And after I’ve spanked your pert little ass red, I’ll bend you over the nearest surface and fuck you, date with another man or no.”
“You keep staring at the door like that, you’re going to start scaringguests away.”
Gideon didn’t look away from the door. He couldn’t relax. Truth be told, he hadn’t managed to relax since he’d walked out of Lucy’s apartment last night, his words ringing in his ears. They hadn’t talked today, other than his text with the address and time to be here and her reply that she would show up.
The question ofhowshe would show up was driving him crazy.
He didn’t know which outcome he wanted. It would be best if Lucy listened to him and dressed in something that was less of a goddamn tease.
But a part of him wanted her to challenge him—to push him to follow through on his threat. It crossed the line and he knew it, but he was past caring. If Lucy’s date with Mark had made anything clear, it was that Gideon couldn’t stand the thought of her with another man.
He’d stepped aside for Jeff.
He wasn’t about to step aside now. Not again.
None of those other fuckers would care about her the way he would. Their chemistry about set the apartment on fire, and they had a history of genuine caring between them—all of which Lucy said she wanted with whatever husband she picked.
Hewas the right choice.
He just had to find a way to make Lucy see that.
“Shit,” Roman muttered. He stepped to the side, blocking Gideon’s view of the door. “Don’t make a scene. I invited Aaron here in good faith and you look like you’re about to rip someone’s head off if they glance at you wrong.”
“I’m not going to make a scene.” As long as Lucy didn’t test him.
He hoped like hell shedidtest him.
“The expression on your face is about to make a liar out of you.” Roman slid his hands into his pockets, still looking on edge. “You’ve already crossed the line with Lucy, haven’t you?”
He’d crossed so many lines, he’d lost count. But Roman wasn’t bringing this up now just for shits and giggles. Gideon jerked his chin to the side. “Get out of the way.”
“No. Scene.”
Roman stepped out of the way and Gideon went still. Lucy made her way through the tables toward the VIP section, drawing stares in her wake. She had on a little black dress, but to call it that didn’t do it justice. It was so short, it made her already long legs look even longer. It was also strapless, the heart-shaped bodice adding extra curves to her body. Her hair was down in a carefully messy wave that made him think of fucking, and her bloodred mouth only drove the image of hot sex home. She nodded at the guy manning the entrance to the VIP section and then strode straight to Gideon. Closer, he realized there were little beads sewn into the skirt of the dress, giving an extra shift of movement with each step.
Without looking away from Lucy, he handed Roman his beer. “We’ll be right back.”
Roman cursed. “Whatever you’re going to say to her, make it quick. Aaron will be here in thirty.”
Thirty minutes was more than enough time to thoroughly make his point. He stood and prowled the last few steps to her. “Follow me. Now.”
She wet her lips, her eyes already a little hazy. “And if I don’t want to?”
“You do.” He turned and stalked back through the VIP section to the hallway that led to bathrooms and two rooms for meetings or private parties. One held a table and chairs and Gideon had used it on more than one occasion. The other had several couches for a more informal touch.
He chose the boardroom.