Page 44 of Claimed By the Don
“What did you do with the truck? You didn’t trade it?”
“It’s in the garage at my dad’s house. My house now, I guess. I’ll need to sell that monstrosity,” I remark. “I’m not getting rid of the truck. I just need to make more room.”
“Thanks for doing this,” she says. “Not just picking me and Liam up after school but the car and all of it. Making room in your life for us, being so patient. He’s seeing the social worker today. I talked to her on the phone this morning. She has a friend who counsels adults and I’ve got an appointment for the same day as my ultrasound. Do you want to come to that—my ultrasound appointment? It’s Tuesday morning.”
“I’d love to.” I take her hand and hold it. “After the park I have to go back to work for a while.”
“That’s no problem. Thanks for making time to do this. I think if we spend a little time together every day, Liam will transition easier. The social worker, Beth, emailed me a couple of articles to read.”
“I want to read them too,” I say.
“There, I forwarded them to you,” she says with a smile.
We take Liam to the park. He climbs everything and I follow him around like an idiot who thinks he’s going to fall at any second. Eventually I go sit with Daisy on a bench.
“I get how easy it would be to overprotect. I watch him on that rock wall and half of me is so proud, but the other half is imagining head injuries and hospital visits. It’s like something gets a hold of me.”
She leans her head on my shoulder. “Welcome to parenthood. Where we worry about everything that could go wrong until nobody has any fun.”
“We’re not going to be like that” I tell her. “We’re going to take him on adventures. The baby, too. I know you found out Liam was a boy while you were pregnant before. Do you want to find out this time too?”
“I don’t know. I kind of want it to be a surprise.”
“This from a woman who never met a Christmas present she didn’t shake, squeeze and sniff?” I tease.
“I’m curious. Like a natural detective,” she jokes.
In one motion she’s off the bench, camera held to her face, kneeling down to take a picture of Liam coming down the curly slide. He runs to hug her and he’s laughing. I could get used to this feeling. Pure contentment and happiness already.
As she gets up off the ground, Daisy stumbles. I’m at her side in an instant, holding her by the elbow and around the waist.
“You, okay?” I ask.
“Just dizzy,” she says. “I thought the worst was over.”
I help her back to the bench and try to distract Liam because I want to hover and fuss over her but that will worry our little boy.
“I think I better head home,” she says. “Will you drop us at Mom’s? I know I wanted a ride back to my car at Snip, but I don’t think I should drive right now.”
“Of course,” I say. I help Liam into the SUV, and he doesnotwant help fastening his seatbelt which makes me chuckle.
We pull up to her mom’s house and Liam unbuckles and dashes inside to see his Gram. Daisy sits for a moment, and I look at her. Her color has perked back up and she is looking stronger. I can’t help how much I love her.
“Thanks again for today,” she says as she goes to get out of the car.
“Daisy, wait,” I call, causing her to turn back to me. I get out and come around the car to stand in front of her. I reach into my pocket and feel the small box that has been sitting there all day.
I get down on one knee right there on the sidewalk by the open door of my new car.
“Daisy May Cooper,” I say, and it all feels unreal, like I’m watching from above in a dream or something. “I’ve loved you since we were teenagers. I let you go once and I won’t be that fool again. I mean to make you my wife, raise our babies together, go on adventures. And never let you go. Will you marry me?”
“Yes, Benny, I’ve wanted to marry you since the first time I saw you smoking on the corner with your stupid friends, and you’re all I will ever want.”
I smile and pull her out of the car and open the box. “Oh my God, Benny!” she says. “Have you had this all this time?”
Her hand flies to her mouth, tears spilling down her cheeks.
“I told you I was going to marry you this time,” I tell her.