Page 72 of Red Queen
I try to steady my breathing, refusing to let her see the extent of my pain. “There’s always an antidote,” I manage to say through gritted teeth.
Her smirk widens, cruel and triumphant. “That’s where you’re mistaken. Within this realm, no antidote exists. The only possible salvation, the blood of an elder vampire, is a treasure lost to the annals of time.” Her laugh, devoid of any true humor, echoes against the stone walls. “And even if such a thing were within reach, who would be bold enough to defy me to obtain it?”
Her words aim to crush what hope I might have harbored, but instead, they stoke a rebellious flame within me. I hold her gaze, my pain momentarily forgotten, replaced by a steely determination. In the silence that follows, my motivation firms like an iron grip—to survive, to find a way back to Alexandru, no matter the odds stacked against me.
“Unless, of course, you have the blood of an elder vampire. But what are the odds of that?” She speaks slowly, as though savoring each word like a decadent treat.
“Better than you think.” Defiance pulses through me even as the toxin depletes my strength.
“Empty bravado.” She circles me like a hunter toying with a helpless victim. “You know, I almost admire it.”
“Admiration? From you?” I scoff. “I’d sooner welcome death’s embrace.”
“Careful, Eleanna, or you might just get your wish.” Catarina smirks, but it almost seems lackluster. “My dear former Queen, did you truly believe you could usurp me? That you, of all people, could be the one to end my reign?”
I lift my chin rebelliously, meeting Catarina’s gaze. “I plan to unseat you, Catarina. Your ambition will get you nowhere but dead.”
A brief flicker of irritation crosses Catarina’s face before she sneers, “Ambition has served me well, darling. It’s a pity you won’t be around long enough to see the fruits of mine.”
My retort is swift, my tone steady despite my precarious position. “Perhaps, but remember this—ambition without foresight is like a flame without warmth. It burns bright, yet ultimately, it consumes itself.”
Catarina pauses, her expression hardening. “Poetic, but futile. You see, I have something you lack—control. Over this land, its people, and now, over you.”
I smile, a glimmer of defiance in my expression. “Control is an illusion, Catarina. One I’m about to shatter. You may have me in chains today, but tomorrow? That’s a story yet to be written.”
Catarina, sensing my growing discomfort, leans in, her voice a whisper. “It’s going to be a story about your death. The poison works slowly, painfully, and, unfortunately for you, irreversibly.”
My breath hitches, the pain a constant thrum beneath my skin, but I refuse to let it dominate my spirit. “Pain is temporary, Catarina. And your triumph? Even more so. I will live.”
“For what? Your lover?” She smirks. “The great general who whined and sniveled on the battlefield after you? It didn’t work out with him first time, and this time…well, you’ll be dead.”
“Alexandru and I...we’re bound by something you could never understand.” I take a breath. “Friendship, loyalty?—”
“Ha!” Catarina cuts me off with a scoff. “Spare me your romantic drivel. Alexandru will soon forget you, moving on to his next conquest, while’ll fade into nothing but a lost memory.”
I square my shoulders. “No, Catarina. You underestimate his resolve—and mine. This isn’t the end. Alexandru will come for me, and your reign of terror will crumble under the weight of your arrogance.”
“Like yours did?” Catarina steps back, narrowing her eyes. “We shall see, Eleanna. We shall see. But remember, even if by some miracle he does find you, you’ll be nothing more than a shadow of yourself. Broken, defeated, and utterly weakened. Or dead.”
I take a deep breath, steeling myself against the throbbing pain coursing through my veins. “I’ll take my chances, Catarina. For every moment you think you have control, there will be a thousand more where your grip slips.”
Catarina’s cold laughter fills the chamber. “Oh, how naive you are, Eleanna. You speak of defiance, yet you stand here chained and weakened before me.”
I meet her icy gaze with unwavering determination. “Physical chains can’t bind the strength of my will, Catarina. And mark my words, they won’t hold me forever.”
She tilts her head, a calculating glint in her eyes. “Bold words from a fragile creature like yourself. Strength is not measured by bravado alone, Eleanna. It is in actions that speak louder than empty threats.”
The desire to bring her to her knees burns within me as I retort, “Then watch closely, Catarina, for my actions will echo far beyond these walls. You may think yourself untouchable, but even the mightiest rulers fall when faced with unwavering resolve.”
Catarina’s smirk falters for a fleeting moment before she regains her composure. “You’re amusingly delusional, Eleanna. But I suppose every ex-queen needs her fantasies to cling to in the face of impending defeat.”
I narrow my eyes. “Defeat is not a foregone conclusion, Catarina. True power is not in dominating others but in standing firm against tyranny.”
“Ah, the idealistic musings of a doomed soul.” She waves a dismissive hand. “You truly believe your words hold weight in the face of inevitable demise?”
“I believe in the resilience of the human spirit, in the enduring strength of love and loyalty. And that belief will carry me through whatever trials lie ahead.”
Catarina laughs darkly. “Love and loyalty, such sentimental notions have no place in our world of darkness and deception.”