Page 26 of Spelling Disaster
I sit up a little straighter.
“Ah, there she is,” Blaire continues with a groan. “Where one goes, there’s the other. That’s Helena. The Barbie to his Ken.”
“The what?” I ask.
She turns to me and flicks her hair over her shoulder. “You know. Barbie and Ken. Because they’re the perfect couple, blah blah. Totally plastic. Those two are on and off so many times it’s hard to keep track of whether they’re official or not.”
I have no idea what she’s talking about, the reference flying over my head, and I’ve never been so aware of my sheltered past as I am right now.
“Come on. You know,” Blaire continues, urging me to get it. “Barbie. Ken. Plastic pink shoes and fun house and…okay, you have no idea what I’m saying, do you?”
“Are you going to judge me if I say no?”
Blaire shakes her head. “Not judge, exactly. But I’m curious. Why are you here now and why are you so late? Did someone find you in the woods being raised by a pack of wolves or something?”
“No, nothing like that,” I reply with a small, tight laugh.
“So, what’s your deal, Yazzy?”
In my gut I wonder if Blaire will accept any fiction, like Amy and the others did. Probably not. She looks like a bubblegum princess but she’s quick-witted and sharp.
“It’s just a late start. Things kind of got away from me,” I hedge. Not willing to let anyone know the truth about me.
The less she knows, the better. I’m not willing to compromise. Until she presses, I’ll need to keep it surface level.
Blaire stares at me, waiting for an answer, and when I simply grimace at her, she deflates. “Fine, don’t tell me anything,” she says with a sniff. “I’m just your roommate and the only friend you’ve got here, but whatever.” Suddenly her eyes brighten and she reaches out to slap my hand away from the fork I’d just driven into my salad. “The food here sucks. As you can see because you’re wearing it, the quality is about as bare minimum as they can get. Go on, grab your stuff.”
“Why would I grab my stuff?” I try to lift my fork and once again get my fingers slapped.
“Because I’ve got an idea. I’m taking you off campus.” Blaire sinks her teeth into her idea and refuses to back down. “There’s a whole world out there and, call it my intuition, but I think it’s high time you see some of it. Plus, a good meal will help you.”
No one said anything about being allowed off campus but it doesn’t seem like the kind of thing students are encouraged to do. Considering the fence around the entire academy property, the giant gate, all of it.
I really don’t want to continue my day of absolute bad luck with getting in trouble for leaving right after I arrive.
Blaire is the first friend I’ve had, maybe in my entire life, and she seems interested in me. She didn’t come to me through my much more popular sister, either, as most of my acquaintances have until this point.
Blaire is sticking up for me for me and not out of a sense of duty.
I push my tray away and reach down for my shoulder bag. “Sure. Let’s go,” I tell her.
“Excellent!” She crows out and her voice echoes through the entire room.
Not that any conversation stops.
Not that Theo and Helena stop snuggling like lovers across the room.
I drop my eyes to my feet and follow Blaire out and away from the public display of affection making me itchy in the wrong way. There’s no way I’m jealous over a stranger…I tell myself.
“Let’s stop and grab a different shirt for you. Then, we’re outta here!” Blaire flings her arms out on either side of her head.
“Where do you want to go?” I ask.
“I’ve got the perfect place. Trust me. And it’s only about a five-minute walk so we can be there and back in no time.” She picks up the pace until we’re back at the dorm so I can change.
Do I trust her? Not particularly, when she forces me to grab one of her vibrant pink shirts and shove it over my head, or when she herds me out through a hole in the fence.