Page 64 of Till Death
“You’re going to kill him and save us all the trouble.”
The voice came from behind me.
“Well. Isn’t this just a day for reunions?” The snarky retort popped out before I thought better of it. Oops. Needed to rein it back.
Andre DeMonte. Vampire. Ex-lover. Problem?
The look in his eye made me think he might be adding to his title but then again, I hadn’t slept in how many days? Maybe I was getting carried away.
“Isn’t he supposed to be one of your friends?” I asked.
Andre shrugged. “More like a business associate, if you will.”
At one time I’d enjoyed the French accent. Now it grated on my nerves until prickles actually rose along the nape of my neck.
“And here I thought you’d made peace with each other after all this time.” I didn’t get out of the chair. I didn’t look at Andre again either.
A gust of air brought him to my side regardless. Damn him. Vampires definitely moved faster than any other creature I’d seen.
“Peace can mean different things for different people,” he said noncommittally.
I tried my hardest not to react to his sudden movement. Especially after everything we’d been through. Still, my eyes shot open when his hand came down on my shoulder.
“Now is really not a good time.” My entire body tensed. “As you can see, I’m a little busy.”
“Busy fighting a battle already lost.”
I sighed. “You aren’t the first or the last person to tell me that. And I’m getting pretty sick of hearing it.” I glanced over at Cole again. Although at this point, he was much more of a monster than Cole. The last of his blond hair had fallen away, leaving the top of his scalp grayed and raw looking. Several patches of dried skin peeled away from his skull and his ears had elongated into sharp points. The ridges of his spine jutted out against the thin material of his shirt, still miraculously in a single piece although there were holes and stains—
Shaking my head, I tried to focus on the bigger picture rather than the stupid details.
“I don’t need your commentary. Although I’m happy you came to help, Andre.” Better for me to tell him that than for him to think me ungrateful for everything he’d done so far.
“You know I would do anything for you, Jade.” His voice came a bit more forcefully this time.
My spine straightened.
“I’m here because I promised you my aid. Queen Imani did the same, although we’ve both lost considerable numbers,” he told me.
The last time we’d been together…yeah, I couldn’t help but think of the sex. Not the time. Definitely not the place. And there I went, remembering it anyway. Thankfully, my body didn’t respond the way it had the last time I’d seen him, when there had been way too much heat and not enough explanation for the reaction.
Anxiety had the small hairs on my arms raising to attention. “I’m not sure what you want me to say.” Seemed a little unwise to bait him now. Considering he could be in and out of that demon trap with blood on his hands before I blinked.
“There is nothing to say in regard to this thing. The best you can do for him and for yourself is to put a bullet between his eyes,” Andre finished on a whisper.
Almost like he didn’t want Cole to overhear him.
“Well, you can take your suggestion and shove it someplace deep and dark,” I replied.
And just like that, I’d fallen into a trap. Slow clapping caught my attention and I turned to see Andre smiling.
“I’m not sure what punchline I missed, but this isn’t time for joking.”
“Speaking of shoving someplace deep…”
I pushed away from the chair but knew better than to try for the door. “I know you didn’t just make a joke about your dick.” Talk about situational awareness. He had to be fucking with me.