Page 21 of Wolf Tamer
“You mean, how did I slaughter them? Because I didn’t. The truth is, I barely managed to get out of the fight with my life. Emily disappeared and Crane’s body is currently buried in the back yard thanks to Julius.”
Torn between the desire to take off after Emily or go to Tasha, feeling like something was terribly wrong with the woman I cared about, I had to make a choice.
I regret nothing.
“She’s still out there. Plotting her revenge,” I reply.
“You mean you let her go.”
Even with her dick in the dirt, Tasha still manages to make me feel like I’m a couple of steps behind where she thinks I should be. And I love it. She’s not for everyone; I know that much. But she’s my mate, and thus perfect for me in every way. Even when she challenges me to do the impossible.
“Emily, and the rest of the Buson Coven.” Better for me to turn her attention back to the present rather than the past. “I wanted to chase every one of those witches down and make them pay for what they’d done to you. Instead, I had to settle for going after Mae.”
“And?” Tasha presses.
“And…” I’m pissed off because I failed. “We’re going to get them all eventually,” I instill as much hope in that statement as possible.
Tasha’s eyes widen as her jaw falls open. “You let Emily leave the house alive. You leftMaealive. You’re really not batting a thousand here, Reid.”
In response, I narrow my eyes on her. “I fully plan on tracking everyone down, once I get a little sleep. I’m not sure if you heard me, but I survived a wolf attack and then took down half of your old coven.”
Less than half, but I’m not about to start counting.
“Well, right now it seems like there are a lot of people out there who want you dead. And here’s the thing.” She struggles to balance on her elbows, pushing the layers of her blanket burrito aside. “If anyone is going to kill you, it’s me. You owe me that much.”
My heart leaps at the prospect. She has the means to do it, too. I guess I like to live life on the edge. “I thought we’d already put the whole matter of your hit on me aside?” I say, sliding closer and trailing a finger along the curve of her cheek. “You remember, when we—”
“I know what we did,” she says, cutting me off.
She doesn’t need to sound so disappointed with me and the sex. Or maybe it’s just me. Because I know the sex was outstanding.
“What did they do to you?” I want to know. “Before I got there. Tell me.”
She groans and drops back onto the bed. “You’re such a demanding and infuriating man.”
“Those are some of the things you like about me. Now tell me everything.”
So Tasha starts from the beginning, her eyes fluttering shut and her breathing uneven as she tells the story about the witches finding her. Her overconfidence in thinking she could spin the story for them. The way they ganged up on her to get her to comply.
“It sounds like you,” I tell her, unable to hide my admiration. “Rushing right into the fire when you should be smart about things.”
“I’m plenty smart about things,” she argues, her voice losing volume with each word. “But they had truth serum.”
I start at the mention of that. “Truth serum? How the hell did they manage that?”
Where did they even get it?
Everyone knows, even those who aren’t witches, that truth serum is almost impossible to make and even harder to find. Mae must have found a way to get her hands on the stuff if she uses it so casually.
That or she considered Tasha special, for some reason.
I haven’t written that possibility off just yet.
Tasha gives me the barest jerk of her head in agreement. “They drugged me and forced me to tell them everything I want to hide. They forced me to say that I care about you.”