Page 19 of Wolf Tamer
I carry her forward with my arms locked into place to keep from dropping her, jaw tense and teeth gritted against the exhaustion, until the forest thins around us. Finally, I catch the first glimpse of the house coming into view, those familiar stones and turrets I’ve fought tooth and nail and have given blood to defend.
I try to keep my footsteps light so as not to jostle Tasha, but from her low panting groans, it seems it’s not enough.
“We’re almost there,” I assure her. “You have to hold on a little bit longer.”
“If anyone in that house tries to kill me… I’m going to killyoufirst,” she gets out.
“Oh, I have no doubt about it, Tash. And it will be completely warranted.”
A little bit further and we’ll be there. I have no right to complain about my fatigue based on what she’s gone through, but damn, I’ve never felt this tired in my life.
If my wolf hadn’t been so close to the surface, I may not have even picked up on her whisper. “I can’t believe you risked everything… to save me.”
Does she not know?I half wonder. How can shenotknow? My wolf claimed her as my mate the first moment we locked eyes, and I’m not about to give up on her when things get tough—even if I had been the one to let her go. I’d kick myself for that mistake for the rest of my life.
However long it might be.
The way things are going right now, I’m on borrowed time.
The trail widens and the dead leaves and stone underfoot turn to browned grass. The expansive lawn seems to stretch on for an eternity, until I reach the steps leading up to the front porch.
I kick my way through the door, ignoring the trail of blood streaking across the foyer floor. A relic from my fight with Crane, and one I’m surprised no one has cleaned yet.
“Bullet! Liam!” I call for my second-in-command and my brother. “I need you!”
And if I’m being frank? I’m not sure who to trust anymore. My third-in-line and his girlfriend, who happens to be the sister of Bullet’s wife, Darcy, must have been plotting against me for quite a long time and seized their opportunity at the first opening.
Still, I need help. And I refuse to take any kind of chance with Tasha.
My youngest brother comes first, his normally serene face broken by the straight harsh line of his mouth—the only indication of his distress.
“What happened?” Liam asks immediately.
“I need hot water and towels brought up to my room as quickly as you can manage. Bullet!” A second yell shouldn’t have been necessary to have my beta come running. Unfortunately, it is, and when he finally shows, dark hair fluffed around his face and his shirt ruffled, I wonder just what the hell he’s been up to.
“I need someone to keep watch at my door,” I bark out.
Bullet stares at me with his wide eyes glassy. “What the fu—is thatTasha? Reid, you’re bloody and burned. What have you been doing?”
Liam bolts off without me having to ask him twice, and I stare at the long, curving stairway like it’s my personal form of torture. My knees rattle at the sight of it.
Neither one of them knew I’d let her go the night before. And I’m not sure where they were when I was attacked. Sporadically deaf, it seems.
Who knows exactly how long it took me to get up the mountain, but the sunlight outside shows me it’s well into the day. When was the last time I slept?
Too long ago for me to remember.
“You look like you’re ready to drop,” Bullet says, not unkindly. His normally open and expressive face is drawn down like someone pulled a gate closed. “Why don’t you hand her to me? I’ll help—”
I cut him off with a growl that rattles my teeth, and he backs off instantly, his hands in the air.
“Fine. I’m just trying to help.”
“Help me by following and shutting the fuck up,” I reply.
I take the stairs two at a time despite my protesting muscles and use my shoulder to open the door to my bedroom. A press of my bloody shoulder to the wards as well, drawn on the doorjamb, has the spells activating. Spells for safety and protection. No one who means me any harm will be able to cross over the threshold.
Fat load of good they’ve done me.