Page 54 of Wolf Hunter
“Hmm?” I glance up at the sound of my name and see Julius worrying the stem of his glass.
Another dinner in the books, and I’m numb to their antics at this point.
“I asked how you’d feel about joining us on a perimeter search,” he repeats. “You can help us search for weak spots in our defenses. I’m sure you’ll be able to sniff them out in no time.”
“I’m not sure that’s any of my business.”
“Oh, come now. You’re getting rather cozy with my brother. He’s not the kind to give up his toys easily. Go on, let us know. I’m sure you’ve got a lot of opinions about the situation?”
Bullet doesn’t glower at me while he waits for an answer, but Julius does. I exhale forcefully.
If I let myself, I’d rip them all a new one. Especially for the insinuation that I’m nothing but a toy for his brother to play with. Something easily used and easily discarded. After all this time, they really need to get some new material.
It’s getting old.
“I don’t know about the role of any of the other sacrifices, but I’m the kind who knows how to read a room. I’m also the kind who isn’t afraid to excuse myself out of an awkward situation.” I push away from the table and drop my napkin for effect.
Reid might still be forcing me to come to meals with the others, but since the first night when Crane escorted me out, he’s never made me stay.
“You really don’t have to go. Some people are terrible at keeping their mouths shut when they don’t know what’s going on.” Reid shoots a scathing look at Julius.
No way am I going out on one of their little scouting expeditions, especially not when I still lack the ability to disappear. The worry over my missing power became a gnawing annoyance keeping me up at night. Nothing new there, but it seems that the harder I try, the further away my powers get, until I’m empty. Hollow.
Being around the pack is definitely enough to drive a sane woman to drink, though. And being around the brothers is an entirely different beast. It took me way too long to get a feeling for them as individuals, as well as understand how they interact with each other.
For so long, it was just me and my sister, the two of us standing on our own and ready to take on the world.
Constantly surrounded by people is disconcerting. Knowing I have to put on a face and make sure none of them sniffs out my real reason for being here?
Even worse.
After excusing myself, I make my way down the hallway and into my room, shutting the door behind me. Strange that my prison has now become my safe zone. No one bothers me here. With a strangled grunt, I flop down on the bed and draw in a breath.
What do I have to show for my time here? Absolutely nothing.
My powers still haven’t returned, and the longer I stay, the more of a failure I become.
My sister isn’t here. I know that for certain.
So now it’s time for me to break away from Reid and do a little investigating on my own. The others will be at dinner for a little while longer, and if I know the guys, Julius is more than likely starting a load of shit with the others. That will keep them distracted long enough for me to do a little digging in the one place I haven’t been allowed: Reid’s bedroom.
Only a few feet away, and it might have been miles for all the access I’ve been granted.
He’ll murder me if he finds out.
So… I have to make sure he never finds out. End of story.
Even without my powers, I should be able to sneak in and sneak out. Hopefully. God willing.
A tingle of warning starts on my neck. The same kind of feeling I got the first time I tried to escape. Worse than the sensation of being watched. Especially when my skin starts to burn.
I never make it into the room. Not when the burning sensation travels the length of my spine.
I double over as the pain creeps inward.Organinward. The burning heat wraps itself around my heart, my lungs, my kidneys and stomach, until I fall on my back. The closer I get to my room… the better I feel.
Andbetteris an exaggeration.