Page 41 of Wolf Hunter
I groan. “What do I need to do to get you to stop calling me that? It’s too—”
Actually, this whole thing feels a little too intimate, exactly like the easy rhythm we sort of naturally fall into whenever we’re alone together.
“It would be a lot less intimate if you got up and came with me to pick out a change of clothes. Then again, if you’d rather stay in bed with the outline of those perfect tits visible, I’m only too happy to make our lie to my pack a reality.”
His weight shifts, and when I fully open my eyes to him, he’s managed to creep closer, staring at me with his head partially cocked to the side. He’s regarding me with a predator’s stare.
This is the wolf I need to worry about. The one I’ve sworn to kill. Except now I’d rather kiss him, and if the look in his eyes tells me anything, he feels the same way.
I’m not going there.
I try to push him away, only to have him jumping back with two hands in a shield above his crotch.
“Never again,” he warns. “I learned my lesson yesterday. My nuts still haven’t recovered from your little escape plan. They only just decided to descend out of my body.”
I stifle a laugh. “Good. That’s what I was going for.” I guess I’ll have to find another way to incapacitate him without hurting myself.
“Tash? We have a busy day of going through other people’s private things without getting caught. Get up.”
“Yeah, it sounds amazing,” I retort. “Now get out of here so I can get dressed.”
Reid lifts an eyebrow.
“Give me five minutes.” And there goes my plan to catch up on the sleep I’ve been missing. Between my worry for Carmen and the constant jobs, it’s safe to say I’m about three years behind on the shut-eye business.
“Five minutes only. I’m not a patient man.”
“Yup, I already got that impression,” I say with obvious sarcasm.
Reid gives me his back, but it takes much longer to actually get him out of the room so I can have a little privacy. Only once he leaves do I allow myself to exhale fully. And only once he leaves do I realize that both nipples are hard and the rest of me loose, hot, and… yes, a little wet.
Okay, a lot wet.
I smack a hand down on my lower abdomen in warning.
“You better cut that shit out,” I mutter. “This isn’t the time or the place. And he isn’t the guy.”
My body doesn’t care because A: no one looks at me the way Reid does, and B: I can’t remember the last time I had sex.
Too many months to count. I must have blocked it out. There’s just something about Reid that not only makes me look twice but makes me want him despite knowing how bad he’ll be for me.
Finally, I rouse myself enough to slip back into the dirtied clothes I’ve been wearing since the ceremony. Bloodstained and dirt streaked. It will be nice to have something else to change into, especially since I’ll be stuck here for longer than I bargained for.
Snowstorms in Maine are no laughing matter. Hopefully Reid and the rest of his wolves boast a couple of high-powered generators to run this place if the electricity shits out.
At least he has a fireplace or two for the deer roasting, if we really do run out of food.
With my hair tied back in a loose ponytail and my teeth semibrushed with my finger, I stride to the door to knock and let Reid know I’m done. He surprises me by opening it before I even lift my hand, and he examines me from top to bottom with a heated stare.
How can the man look the way he does and actually have more than a passing interest in me?
I don’t get it.
One of many strange things going on.