Page 31 of Monstrous
Not now, though.
Now, I’m creeping through the back of the house holding my breath and hoping I don’t pass out.
Zane has taken the lead again as Vexx pulls up the rear. We head toward the living room.
Suddenly the lights pop on overhead accompanied by a slow clap and a low laugh.
We’ve been found out! My stomach sinks.
Caught, I immediately freeze with my hands raised in front of me like I’ve somehow been captured by the police instead. But as the laughter filters through my skin, I lower my hands.
“It’s good to see you again so soon, Marianna.”
Those viperous undertones slip over my skin, leaving me feeling filthy and in need of a shower. “It’s not like you left me a choice,” I call out, blinded by the brightness of the lights and unable to see where the voice is coming from.
It appears to be surrounding me, coming from every direction at once. The sudden change in brightness has me blinking and trying to redirect my attention. I sense Vexx and Arc on either side of me and Zane in front.
Where’s my mom?
The lights blink off a moment later, throwing us into complete darkness. I stumble forward because I can’t fricken keep up with these mind games.
Stop with the bullshit, Vexx snaps out.Face us instead of acting like the coward you are.
“Oh, brother. You think I play these games because I’m scared?” Darkness asks. Now it sounds like he’s right behind me and I yelp, jolting forward and running right into Zane’s back.
He stumbles forward a step but catches me, keeping me against his steadying presence.
Darkness inhales loudly. “I can smell them on you, Mari. I can smell them written on your skin, branded on your insides. How long did it take for you to let these creatures penetrate you?”
The venom behind those words is another shock.
My heart thrashes in my chest. “It’s none of your business.”
The lights flick on, blinding me, before he sends us into the dark again. This kind of psychological attack grates on me, turns me raw and vulnerable.
He knows it, too.
“Itismy business!” Darkness roars.
The agonized sound rattles through me, and I glance over in time to see a tar-like shape detach itself from the wall. Hurtling through the room toward me until it solidifies into a male shape.
The demon.
I leap aside and instead of Zane stepping with me, Darkness captures the other man’s arm and sends him rolling away with such force Zane crashes to the floor with a resounding boom that makes my teeth rattle.
“Do something,” I tell Vexx.
I’m trying. He’s got control of the shadows. I can’t manipulate them, he hisses out.
It’s the worst kind of power play because it’s working.
Zane pushes himself onto his elbows with a groan. I can see just enough to make him out, along with my other two monsters. But Darkness is nowhere around.
“This is ridiculous,” I mutter under my breath. “Show me my mom. I have to make sure she’s okay.”
“Do you really think I’d hurt Carol? After everything she’s done for me?” Darkness asks. Now he’s across the room near the window. At least, that’s where his voice sounds from, although no matter how hard I try, I can’t make him out.
“How do you know her name?”