Page 85 of Eternally Yours
Putting a finger to his lips, I said, “Stop. You are not charged with my safety. We’re in this shit together and we fight together. I’m not some damsel in need of your saving. So please, stop treating me like I’m made of glass.”
Silently acknowledging my request, he tipped his head, assuring me we would be a team in this battle. Huffing a tired breath as he put his forehead to mine, he cupped my face in his palms. “Loren, I… I still can’t believe you’re alive. If anything ever happens to you again... I could never bear it.” He seemed to be clinging to this moment as if he feared I wasn’t real and that at some point he might wake up from a dream. There was so much fear mixed with hope streaming through our bond, I was overwhelmed with emotion.
I put a hand to his bare chest, feeling the heat of his skin as his heart thundered ferociously in his chest. Peering into his eyes, I said, “Baby, I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.”
Leaning in even closer, he brought his lips to mine and the instant our mouths touched, the universe faded to black. All that existed was us in that Mercedes. Neither one of us cared that we were on the run, that Janus was in the driver seat, racing us across the state border, or that there was a Jet ready to whisk us away to god only knew where. Right now, all that mattered was our love and our need.
And boy, did I need him. On instinct, I climbed over his lap, straddling him as he consumed my mouth. My red gown puffed around us, but Nic’s hands found their way under my skirt and up my bare thighs. His white linen breeches did little to stop the hard ridge of his cock from rubbing against my core. A growl mixed with a moan escaped my lips as I felt him grow even harder beneath me. I couldn’t believe this fantasy was becoming real.
I’d had this dream so many times, me in this red gown, then fucking Nic mindlessly in front of hundreds of people. And here we were, about to give New York and New Jersey front row seats. As I went to reach below the stupid, massive skirt of the dress to help guide his cock inside me, Janus cleared his throat, sucking me out of my euphoria.
“Beastie…” Nic said, his voice heavy. “Janus…”
“I’ll be quick,” I urged. “Please. I need you so bad.”
He threaded his fingers in my hair and tightened his hold as he arrowed his gaze into mine. “I fucking need you too,” he breathed into my mouth as I panted at the agony of not having him inside me. “But I want to do this right. Like a proper mate should. Can you give me that?”
Huffing in protest, I breathed hard, allowing my body to cool down a notch. “A proper mate?”
Rubbing the pad of his thumb over my lips, he said, “With a blood offering. Just the two of us.”
Fuck. The thought of drinking from him riled the beast prowling under my skin. His eyes narrowed, imploring me to listen to him. He knew if I continued to press against him, he wouldn’t be able to resist fucking me right on the spot. Tough as it was, I conceded.
As I dismounted from his lap and sat back in my seat, I caught Janus’ brown eyes peering at me through the rearview mirror. They were filled with understanding and humor all at the same time. Heat flushed across my chest and up my neck, and I couldn’t help feeling constricted inside the damn corset.
Glancing over at Nic, my lady parts clenched as I noticed his cock tenting his pants. He was still so fucking aroused and holding my beast back was like fighting a lioness barehanded.
Nic chuckled, “Like something you see?”
More heat flared across my face. “Fuck. You,” I said, laughing.
His green eyes turned black as he licked the tip of his fangs. “Oh, don’t worry. You will.”
* * *
We made it to Teterboro Airport in record time. As we stepped out of the Mercedes, the cool Autumn breeze swirled through my hair and gown as we walked onto the tarmac. My eyes grew large as we approached the plane, the word Falcon blazing in red letters across the stark white finish. I knew we were flying on a private jet, but I never imagined it would be so large. Where the heck were we going?
Nic seemed unfazed, clearly accustomed to traveling in luxury. Shaking the pilot’s hand and greeting the rest of our flight crew, he ushered me forward and led me up the stairs. The interior was decorated in cream-colored leather seats with beautiful cherry wood trim and finishes.
Outfitted for eight passengers and a crew of four, the jet was so spacious you could probably still fit fifteen more people. Replete with all the amenities one could only dream of having on an airplane, the true gem was the bedroom suite located toward the tail end of the aircraft.
As spacious as it was, seemed Nic and I were the only passengers aside from the two pilots and two flight attendants. Janus bid us farewell prior to us getting on board. He mentioned receiving an urgent call from Cat. The blood host uprising had bought us time, but ultimately the DeLorenzo coven and the Iron Guard overpowered Cat’s attack team. Ellie was recovered by her men, but Cat was able to escape and was now on the run. He handed Nic a large manila envelope and told us everything we needed was inside, including new cell phones and passports.
Nic asked Janus to please make sure Cat called him as soon as possible. He was anxious for news and wanted to make sure she’d gotten away safely. Janus had seemed flighty and desperate to get back, we didn’t keep him.
Onboard, the crew milled about the cabin, preparing for takeoff as Nic chit-chatted with the pilots on the flight deck. I stood in the center of all the commotion, wondering when someone would offer the one piece of information they’d yet to share with me.
“Anyone care to tell me where the heck I’m flying to?” I asked no one in particular, but hoping Nic heard me over his conversation with the pilots.
“We’ll be taking off shortly, madam,” one of the human female flight attendants said as she eyed my gown. Her brows furrowed. I couldn’t blame her. I no longer looked like a princess at a royal ball. More like Cinderella who’d been run over by her carriage. “Fresh clothes have been laid out for you in the bedroom in case you would like to be more comfortable during our flight.”
Biting my lower lip, I leaned in and asked softly, “Where are we flying to?”
Her lips thinned as she gently tugged at her earlobe, hesitating briefly before whispering back, “Seville.”
Before I could react, Nic came rushing down the aisle toward me, “Iron Guard got wind of our location, we need to get wheels up. Now.” There was no time to process what was happening, especially the fact that I was leaving the country with no clue if I’d ever come back.
Securing ourselves in seats, Nic grasped my hand as the Jet began to taxi. The engines spun, the high whistling sound making my ears hurt. As the Jet sped down the runway, Nic and I caught sight of three black SUVs racing toward the tarmac. The instant my stomach felt the sinking feeling of lift-off, I blew out the breath I’d been holding.