Page 79 of Eternally Yours
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Istood at the altar and waited for the doors to open. The room was full of people from both families. Hundreds of men and women, all meant to watch me and Ellie have sex and seal our union.
And my fate.
Among the spectators, the Delorenzo's stood at the very front, along with my mother and father. They all looked as stern and as regal as ever, dressed in their very best, but it was my father who made my muscles tense with residual anger. I hated the fact that after so many years of fighting, he’d won what he’d wanted in the end after all.
The music swelled, and the lighting in the room dimmed. The doors opened, and Ellie stepped through. To no one’s surprise, she looked spectacular in her white mermaid-style dress. She sauntered down the aisle, absorbing the approving gazes, delighting in all the attention. This was the moment she was bred for. She almost looked angelic as her lips curled into an innocent smile below the white feathered mask. Had I possessed an ounce of affection for her, I might have shed a tear.
But I hated her and everything she symbolized. This whole thing was a fucking charade and I couldn’t wait to be done with it.
As she drew closer, I couldn’t help wishing it was Loren under that mask. That all these people were there to witness my love for my mate. Because regardless of what happened between me and Ellie tonight, Loren would always be my true mate. Beyond death. Beyond what lay on the other side. I just needed to make it through this initial feeding and fucking spectacle. After that, we’d be mates only in name.
As she stepped up to my side, her gaze slid to mine and a silent threat lingered in her icy cold blue eyes telling me not to mess this up for her.
For her.
That’s what this was all about. Always. Her. I doubted she cared about uniting the families other than for her own need for power.
“Smile, Nicholas,” Ellie muttered. “At least pretend you’re happy about this union.”
I huffed and turned from her, making sure to keep my eyes trained on the crowd. Looking at her would irritate even more, and that would make it harder for me to go through with this.
I didn’t think I’d ever despised someone so much in my life. The thought of performing any sexual act with her made me sick. How was I going to do this?
Movement in the throng of people caught my eye—a woman pushing her way toward the altar, her reddish curls matching the crimson of her dress and the gems on the wolf-mask she wore.
Her smooth strides made her stand out against the stillness of the bodies around her. The closer she approached, the more my curiosity grew. Something about the way her body swayed made my instincts perk up.
“Nic,” Ellie whispered. “Pay attention.” The feel of her fingers squeezing my hand made my gaze snap away from the woman in red.
“What is it?” I asked her.
“The ceremony, dear,” she gritted through a frosty smile. “It’s beginning.”
“Esteemed guests, welcome to the Blood Union of Mariellena DeLorenzo and Nicholas Guerra,” our male host began. Dressed in a black ceremonial cloak, he continued, “For centuries, our families have fought side by side in the dark war against those who would oppress us. We’ve united forces against our rival families, triumphing and securing our place on the vampiric world stage as the two most powerful vampire covens. Now, as the elder leaders in both our families prepare for their time to rest, Mariellena and Nicholas have willfully chosen to unite our families not just in duty, but in blood.”
The crowd roared with approval, their voices and applause reverberating through the gilded, grand ballroom.
“Today marks a milestone for our kind. The next generation of vampires has already been through the rigorous selection process. Members of royal families around the globe, the mega-rich, and influential men and women in all forms of government have stepped forward to take the oath and swear fealty to our new leaders. Sired by the two oldest and most powerful bloodlines in history, they will make us an unmatched dynasty in the world of men. Together, we will bring our people out from the shadows and into the proverbial light.
“No more hiding. No more living underground like rats. We’ve earned our rightful place at the table, and it is time everyone acknowledges our superiority to the human race!”
More roars erupted in celebration for the new age of the vampires. The energy in the room was rife with excitement and sexual tension. This group had come here not to just witness the union of the bloodlines, but to feed and fuck without restraint.
I was fed up with the self-indulgent speech. These idiots had something coming if they believed humans were going to bow to our kind without a fight. Had they forgotten that pesky little problem called the sun? It was why we had to hide underground like the rats he mentioned. Until we found a way to walk in daylight, we would always live in the shadows.
“And now, the binding ceremony,” our pompous host declared.
“Good, let’s get this shit over with,” I said under my breath.
“Stop being such a prick,” Ellie shot back.
“And deny you the pleasure of my cock? That is what you want, isn’t it? To be fucked by a prince?”