Page 76 of Eternally Yours
“Knew what?”
“That you were alive and were being kept in that dungeon.”
“But why would she pretend she was you?”
“I don’t think she was pretending. You probably just thought it was me because it’s the only thing that made sense.”
“So, you didn’t know I was in that cellar?”
“Honey, no one knew you were even alive. Arthur told everyone the Order implanted some bomb in your brain and that it went off before they could do anything about it.”
“What? So, Nic…”
“Yeah, he’s been under the same pretense. That you’re dead. Luckily for you both, the guards in charge of you were a bunch of idiots. One of the humans assigned to bring you blood fell sick, and they asked Janus to fill in as your blood-host.”
I hiked a brow.
“Like I said, idiots. As soon as Janus reported the news to me, I sprang into action. We don’t exactly have much time left.”
“What are you talking about?”
She checked her watch and pursed her lips tight. “Fuck.”
“What is it?
She ran toward a duffle bag lying on the floor and began searching for something. “Nic’s in trouble again and needs me to rescue his ass.”
“He’s in danger?”
“Of being a miserable asshole for the rest of his eternal life, yes.” Satisfied she’d found what she needed, she zipped up the duffle and flung it over her shoulder. “We need to hurry if we’re going to crash Nic’s wedding.”
A massive wave of possessive fire crashed through me, my beast growling to escape. “Nic’s getting married?”
Cat shrugged and rolled her eyes. “Well, the vampire version of things. But yes, in less than two hours, the covens will be united, making us the most powerful vampire family in the world... yada-yada. I’m not about to let that happen.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Get dressed and I’ll explain on the way.”
“Dressed in what?”
“Your masquerade gown, that’s what. I hung it up in Nic’s closet. Go! The party is starting and we can’t miss the main event.”
Chapter Twenty-Five
As I looked at myself in the full-length mirror, I could barely recognize the man staring back at me. Even though I hadn’t aged in centuries, I appeared older somehow, my eyes weighed by heavy grief and sleepless days, my shoulders slumped, wrinkles lining my mouth from the permanent frown etched on my face.
I sighed, disconnected from what was happening, watching with languid eyes as the tailor worked on my ceremonial clothes. A doublet stitched in gold and deep wine, elaborately trimmed and pinked with lavish embroidery fit snugly across my torso while the sleeves remained puffed, reminding me of my years in the Spanish courts. It was so long ago, it felt like a dream, but during all that time, I’d managed to lose both Elizabeth and Loren. Two women who had owned my heart, now dead, and it was my fault.
Had I learned nothing at all?
If I hadn’t brought them into this life of darkness, they would still be alive.
But I hadn’t loved them enough to keep them away. I was selfish in my intentions, in thinking this time I could make it work and have it all. My heart and my family. But it could never be that way.
I’m so sorry, Loren.