Page 54 of Eternally Yours
He waved a wireless remote at me. “One little push and… Kaboom.” He made an explosion sound with his mouth, then burst into laughter.
Ice spread through my veins. Nic had been right when he’d said humans were capable of unfathomable atrocities.
Asshole must’ve seen the fear frosting over my eyes—he grinned, pure wickedness shining in his coal-black eyes.
Chapter Seventeen
Sharp, stabbing pain shot through my skull as I opened my eyes, my face flush against the dirt floor of the cave. How the fuck was I still breathing? Whatever those fuckers shot into me should have killed me. At least it had felt like it when they unloaded their poison-filled syringes on me.
Pushing to my feet, four empty vials fell off my back and onto the ground. I brought a hand to my neck where I’d felt one embed before I collapsed in front of Loren. Nothing. Looking down, I noticed it was on the ground where I’d fallen.
They’d intended to kill me, but something went awry. Could Loren’s blood have combated against the poison, healing me and pushing out the needles? I’d taken a significant amount of her blood during our mating. There were still so many unknowns about who or what she really was, it was probable her blood had healing abilities we’d yet to discover.
Closing my eyes, I sought her out through our bond. My heart raced as I failed to find a connection, my insides twisting at the thought of…
No. I couldn’t allow myself to even contemplate it.
Searching harder, I felt a faint hum. It was her. I was certain of it. And if I could sense her, it meant they weren’t far.
Ignoring the stiffness in my muscles, I took off after them, stumbling as my body adjusted to the strange sensations in my limbs. I was healed but wasn’t one-hundred percent myself yet. But as I rounded a corner, I came to a halt as I was met by a ray of sunlight.
I cursed, and fell backward into the shadows of the cave, then searched my body for burn marks. Nothing. That was either sheer luck or something strange was going on. I checked my watch, my chest collapsing when I realized there were at least three more hours before sundown. I’d be trapped in that fucking cave and by then, the pricks would be too far for me to pick up their trail.
I roared, punching a hole in the wall, stone crumbling to the ground. I’d never hated being a vampire like I did that moment. Not being able to chase after Loren because of my damn vulnerability to sunlight carved my flesh like a blade.
If those cocksuckers hurt her, there would be hell to pay. I paced, anger threatening to rip me apart at the seams, then it dawned on me. If Loren’s blood had kept the poison from killing me, could it shield me from the merciless light of the sun? I’d practically run into sunlight before in my haste to find them and nothing happened.
Sticking to the shadows, I crept to the cave’s opening. The sun was so bright, even at a distance, I had to squint and shield the brightness from my eyes with my arm. With caution, I slowly held out my hand, biting down on my jaw as I anticipated the burn.
Closing my eyes and holding my breath, I waited a couple of seconds. And then a few more. Nothing. Again. All I felt was the forgotten warmth of the sun. No fucking way. Opening my eyes, I recoiled my hand and examined my skin. Not a single blister.
My pulse quickened and my body trembled, hoping this wasn’t some fluke. I held out my hand again and broke into laughter when there was no pain, no burning. After centuries of hiding in the shadows, this moment felt surreal. But my wonder was snuffed out by dread. If Loren’s blood held the cure to our biggest affliction, what other secrets did her DNA contain? Remembering what one of the attackers had said, a lead ball formed in my gut. Asshole mentioned something about wanting me to suffer a painful death as a message to the covens that they were coming after every single one of us.
What if the Order planned to weaponize her? What other purpose could she serve them, if not to dissect her and use her gifts against us?
I didn’t know how long the effects of her blood would last in my system, but there was no way I could remain idle in that cave. I had no clue if the resistance to the sun was permanent or if I’d revert back after metabolizing the proteins in her blood, but I’d have to take a chance with the sun.
Taking a deep breath, I took a step into the light and let brightness envelop me. No one would believe this. The warmth against my face. The energy it gave me. I hadn’t felt the sun’s power in hundreds of years. Didn’t realize how much I’d missed it until now.
But I wasn’t able to enjoy this reprieve. I had to use the time I had to find Loren and save her. But finding the Order’s whereabouts would be a challenge in itself. I could use our bond, but then what? I’d be walking into a lions’ den. I needed help. And that meant I had to go home. My family’s home.
I made it to the cabin, gathered my things, and drove back to New York State, speeding down the NY Thruway like a bat out of hell. I had no idea how I was going to explain this shit to my family—walking into our coven in the middle of the fucking day. Not to mention the fact I was bloodmated to a female I sired out of the selection process and potentially turned into a hybrid the Order intended to use against us.
I was out of options. My father would need to help me or…
There was noor.
* * *
At this time of day, everyone would be asleep, except for the armed guards who no doubt would catch me on their security cameras approaching the facility miles back. As always, I had to rely on the only person I could trust.
I dialed Catherine as I neared the coven.
“Nic?” she said, her voice groggy.
“I’m approaching the church. Meet me at the gate.”