Page 50 of Eternally Yours
I resisted the urge to clamp down in a frenzy, knowing my fangs were thicker and longer than a female’s and that my jaw could typically crunch bone. Wanting to minimize the sting, I bit down on her neck as gently as possible, but her spine still arched in pain and she grunted out a cry.
Love and desire hummed freely through our bond, the surge of endorphins a soothing balm. Soon, moans besotted with bliss sprung from her lips instead.
Our union was complete, and what started as a hallowed expression of devotion turned into a smoldering, primal need to fuck. I thrust harder into her as I took her blood with equal fervor. The intense heat of her arousal mixed with the cyclone of emotions coursing through our bond was unlike anything I could’ve imagined.
I’d been so opposed to being bloodmated to her, but now I realized how unavailing that had been. I was more certain than I’d ever been in my entire life—human and vampire—that Loren was my destiny. There was no one I wanted more. This woman was mine and I was hers, and it was a vow I made with my body and blood. I’d protect her until my dying breath.
Spreading her legs wider, she continued to moan in ecstasy, offering her entire self to me.
“Fuck,” I growled as I tore myself from her neck, blood dripping down my chin. “You’re driving me fucking crazy.”
“Nic,” she panted as I beat faster into her. “I’m gonna come again.”
Pushing to my knees, I gorged on the beauty of her perfect breasts, the milkiness of her skin, and the curves of her hips. Everything about her was bewitching. And watching her rosy nipples harden and her skin prickle as she neared another orgasm was gasoline on an already raging fire.
“Keep those legs open for me,” I said as I pressed the pad of my thumb over her clit, thrumming it in small circles as I pushed my cock deep into her pussy. “Just like that, Beastie.”
Her body shuddered as she clenched her legs around my waist, her lips shouting my name as I thrust harder, wanting to take every ounce of her release. But she wasn’t finished, and before I knew what happened, she pushed up, knocking me backward as she straddled me, burying my cock to the hilt as she bit down on my neck again.
Fuck. Her dominant side took over and I lost all self-control. The instant her tongue lapped at my jugular, my orgasm erupted inside her. The thrill and peace of release radiated through every cell of my body, sending shockwaves reverberating across my bones. I wrapped my arms tightly around her as she took everything from me. I didn’t want her to pull away, wishing to stay buried inside her warmth forever.
It was done. We were bloodmated. A sealed bond breakable only by death.
I held her in my arms as she continued to feed from me. I loved that my blood sustained her, that she hungered for it as much as I hungered for hers. She rocked over my still throbbing dick as she moaned against my neck. She was savoring the bond between us, and I wanted to hold on to the moment for as long as I could. I’d keep coming inside her a million times over if she kept sucking on my neck like that.
But therewerelimits to how much she could take without killing me. Plus, our mating had already put us at a disadvantage against those hunting us. Vampires exerted so much energy during a bloodmating union, we would sleep like the dead for the next couple of hours. I couldn’t afford being depleted of all my strength.
“Beastie,” I whispered, my voice horse. “You’re gonna drain me dry.”
“Mmm,” she moaned, the sound making my dick twitch. “You mean your cock or your blood?”
I chuckled. “I think… both.”
“But you’re so tasty, and your dick feels so good inside me.” She licked my neck and gyrated her hips around my still-hard cock, and I wasn’t sure I’d survive beyond this night. I was ready to give her every last ounce of my blood if it meant I could spend every last second of my life fucking her. But as much as I wanted to spend the rest of eternity in that cave, I knew what awaited us outside.
The Order was still hunting us, and sooner or later, we’d need to find a way out of the mountains and back to my coven.
Threading my fingers through her hair, I pulled her face away from my neck and stared into her gorgeous eyes. The red pigment had receded, along with her fangs. Transformed or not, she was still the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. “I want nothing more than to make love to you into tomorrow, but we’re not safe here. And after what we did, we need to rest to restore all that energy.”
Her lips thinned into a sad smile. “I understand.”
“We’ll have to wait until nightfall.”
“Where will we go?”
As I gazed into her eyes, my heart fractured into a million pieces. I didn’t have the courage to tell her that despite what we’d done, I had no choice but to bring her under the safety of my coven. And to do that, I’d need to offer eternity to another woman. I wasn’t sure how else to fix this mess.
I hadn’t realized I’d stayed silent. “I don’t know, yet,” I lied. “We just need to get out of these mountains. I’ll figure the rest out later.”
I was a fucking coward for lying. I’d taken her blood and her body. I’d made a vow I’d have to break and the idea was revolting. My entire being was bound to her, and it protested against my decision to offer myself back to my coven. But this was the only way I could ensure her safety.
And as her bloodmate, protecting her was my prime responsibility, regardless of how volatile the means would be.
We dressed and I cradled her in my arms, her head resting on my chest.