Page 67 of Death Match
“Where are we going?” In such a hurry, too? He pulled me toward the door, then gestured to the waitress at the front that the money was on our table.
Holding the door open and pushing me through, he gave me a devilish smile. “It’s a surprise.”
My heartbeat skipped. I didn’t know if I liked the sound of that, but I let him lead me along the secluded alley between the diner and a storefront.
“Um, Cole?” I wasn’t sure where he was going with this, but when we approached a small alcove in the diner’s wall, mostly hidden by their trash bins and empty delivery crates, I paused. “What’s this?”
“It’s the surprise,” he said and stepped inside. With his hand still wrapped around my wrist, he tugged me in with him. It was a tight squeeze. I wrinkled my nose. The smell here wasn’t too pleasant. Sitting garbage and sitting water wasn’t something you really wanted to experience after eating a big breakfast.
My stomach pinched, and I shifted uncomfortably. Since it was such a small space, moving was barely possible. With my back pressed up against the bricks, I peered up at him, wondering what he had up his sleeve.
“Uh, do I even need to ask because the question is kind of implied,” I said.
“Why did I bring you here? It’s simple really.” His grin was slow and deliberate. “I’m going to fuck you. The way you like it.”
I sucked in a shark breath at the harshness to his words. They stunned me, but at the same time, heat spread through me at his boldness. Not to mention the devilish glint in his eyes. It was incredibly sexy.
It took everything in me to keep my face from showing all that, though. I wanted to play this out a little longer. “In a tiny hole in the wall next to a pile of trash?” I muttered. “Hmm… Not ideal.”
He leaned forward, crushing his body against mine, and I felt him. All of him, if you know what I mean. Hard and ready to go.
His one brow arched. “How about hard. Fast. With no mercy…”
Before I could say anything, he grabbed my shoulders and spun me around so that my bottom pushed against his hardness and my face pressed against the rough wall. His hot breath tickled my neck as he leaned in, and a shiver shot down my spine. The bricks scraped against my face, but I barely felt it. How could I, with his hands gripping my hips and holding onto me like I was something he refused to let go of.
Fingers found the clasp of my jeans and with one flick, they were undone. “The thing is…” The zipper slowly lowered. “You’re going to have to make sure you don’t scream. This is a public place, after all.”
“And it’s a former church,” I said, struggling to look at him from over my shoulder.
I mean, if we’re going to be blasphemous, might as well be blasphemous all the way. Let’s not hold back.
With a quick yank, my pants were down and I was fully exposed. The cool air tickled my sensitive skin and I had to bite back a whimper. It was so easy to forget how quickly I turned to putty in his hands. He had this power over me, power I didn’t like to admit existed, but couldn’t exactly deny.
His mouth was on my neck, lightly kissing and nibbling, and I tilted my head to the side to allow him more access. My mind was in overdrive just thinking of all the crazy things he could do to me in this cramped hole in the wall, along with the risk of possibly getting caught. Was that fucked up? Probably. But I was fucked up, so it fit.
God, I wanted him. I wanted himbad. My body ached with need.
During his slow torture with his lips, he had managed to undo his own pants because I suddenly felt the heat of his length nudging my legs apart. I didn’t hesitate to obey. I wasn’t hesitant anymore. I wasn’t shy. Why had I felt that way initially? I couldn’t remember.
When his arm pressed in between my shoulder blades to push me more against the wall, I held my breath in anticipation.
He pushed inside me. I groaned.
“Fuuuucckkk…” he half-whispered, half-growled near my ear. My thoughts echoed his sentiments exactly.
He fit snugly inside me. I clenched my teeth to keep from grunting in pain. Not that it hurt. His size, coupled with the cramped space were both things that would take some time to get used to.
He began to move, slowly at first. After a moment, the slight discomfort transformed into nothing but whole, heavenly bliss. It also ramped up my libido. This slow stuff wasn’t going to work for me. I wanted it faster. Harder. If he was going to fuck me, I wanted him to fuck me. I reached behind me, grasped his shirt, and tugged it to tell him I was more than ready.
I couldn’t see his face, but I knew he was smiling.
Then… all bets were off. He slammed into me so hard, a cry escaped my lips. Just as fast, his hand came up and clamped around my mouth.
“Ah, ah, ah. I told you. No screaming.”