Page 50 of Death Trap
“Security detail,” Lisa finished for me. “And a weird one. I’m Lisa, by the way.” She turned to me. “How can she see us again?”
“Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention…”
“I’m a Medium,” Kay finished, but then she narrowed her gaze as she examined Lisa’s face. “I’m sorry… You said your name is Lisa? You look familiar.”
“She’s Sean’s mother,” I clarified. “Wyatt’s wife.”
“I should have known. Sean looks just like you.”
Lisa smiled warmly. “I always thought so, too. But Wyatt insisted he looked more like him.”
“Where’s Laurence?” I asked, glancing down the hall where she had gone with the baby. “Is he sleeping, too?”
“No, he’s out practicing his spells for his upcoming assessment,” she said. “He’s been working so hard to pass and move to level two magic.”
Which reminded me about Marla’s niece and advice about confidence in magic. “Can you tell him that there is a young witch who can help him with his spells? You know I know squat about witches, but I mentioned him to a level three named Marla who I know in the afterlife, and she told me to get him over to her shop that her niece runs now after her death. The niece is young, but she’s moving up quickly. Have him go to Divine Magic here in downtown and mention her aunt’s name. Marla. She raised the girl. You know what? Mention her twin sister, Tamara, too, if she seems skeptical. That way he can get some one-on-one help.”
“That’s so nice of you, Jade. Thank you. I’ll definitely tell him. He is looking for all the help he can get now that Zachary is here. I think it finally lit a fire and made him want to move up.”
“I saw it when he found out he couldn’t protect you from Xaver. He even produced that level two fireball, which he’d never done before,” I said. “I think he just needs a confidence boost. But this girl should be able to teach him a lot. Marla was one of the best.”
“Thanks for thinking of him.” Kay smiled her beautiful, warm smile, and that’s all it took for me to know she really appreciated me asking on Laurence’s behalf.
Like it usually did whenever we were together, my own mouth curled up and pleasant heat spread throughout my body. Her kindness had always been so foreign to me. Because we were so different, sometimes it even made me feel uncomfortable. But now, I looked forward to it. There was just something peaceful and genuine about speaking with her, and there wasn’t a day that went by that I was thankful we’d stumbled across each other all those months ago.
She was the closest friend I had. The only one I trusted. More than Simon, even.
“Do you know this niece’s name?” she asked me.
I paused. “Oh shit. I don’t. I didn’t even ask.”
I hadn’t even asked Marla—I hadn’t even thought about finding out her niece’s name. Why was I such a fuck-up sometimes?
Duh, Jade. That’s kind of important.
“That’s okay. I’m sure Laurence will be able to find her.”
Leave it to Kay to keep positive about everything. She always tried hard to make things seem like honest mistakes and not like you were the dumbest person alive. Even though I felt like that most of the time, despite her efforts. Like right now, for example.
Kay glanced nervously at Eli again, who was still passing from window to window. “Besides that, can I ask why you guys are here? Is everything okay?”
After Kay’s run-in with Xaver and near-death experience, she had been a little more jumpy than usual. Which was expected, especially now that she had a child to look after. In a world full of magic, spirits, demons, and real evil, she had a reason to look over her shoulder. Even more so since those things hit so close to home for her.
“I just wanted to stop in and make sure you guys were okay. We found an open portal to a Hell dimension just two blocks from here. I think that’s how Xaver got through and found you. Make sure all your windows and doors leading outside are closed and locked for Laurence’s protective barrier spells to work. Don’t leave the apartment alone—and Zach doesn’t count. Have Laurence or another supernatural friend with you at all times. Okay?”
She nodded, not questioning my fear. After everything she’d gone through, we both knew what I was proposing wasn’t over-the-top at all.
“I wish there was a way for you to contact me if something happens. There aren’t exactly cell phones to the afterlife where you can just give me a ring if you need me.” I crossed my arms. It was handy she was a Medium, but that talent didn’t cross through the planes. She couldn’t just call my name and I’d hear her. No postal service. No email.
“Wouldn’t that be something,” Lisa chimed in.
“There is a way.” Eli’s voice surprised us all, and we all glanced at him. “Well, not exactly how you’re thinking, but there is a way for you to contact me if something happens. It’s very likely I’ll be with Jade at the time.”
How long did Eli plan on sticking around? He made it sound like he was going to be glued to me for a long time.
Finally peeling himself away from the windows, he walked over to us, shoulders pulled back.
“Miss Kay, do you have prayer beads, by any chance? Any form will do.”