Page 47 of Death Trap
“How about this?” Monnie started. “I’ll answer another question. One I’m sure will interest you greatly.”
I raised a brow.
“It involves a certain half demon.”
My heart climbed into my throat. “C-Cole?”
“Yes, your little boyfriend.”
I ignored that, even though just hearing it made my stomach do a flip-flop.
Was Cole in trouble? Had he gotten himself killed and thrown in Hell, too? Had he fully turned into a Halfling? I was nauseous just thinking about the possibilities.
“What? What is it?” I asked a little too eagerly.
He waved the ring still in his hand. “You need to accept the deal first.”
I rolled my shoulders, trying to ease the tightness in them. Silence filled the air between us as I considered my options and both sides of the deal. At first glance, it really seemed like I didn’t have to do much on my end, but I wasn’t stupid. I knew Monnie wanted me to come back for some reason. I just couldn’t think of why at the moment.
“I don’t need to kiss you again, do I?” I asked finally.
He licked his lips, and the gesture almost had me vomiting on his expensive-looking shoes. “Not unless you want to,” he teased.
I flinched back. “No thank you.”
“Then just take the ring, and we’ll get this going.”
I snatched it out of his grip and held it tight in my closed fist. The metal was ice cold against my skin, but besides that, it didn’t feel strange in any way. I didn’t know what I expected actually—maybe some kind of tingle of magic—but there was nothing other than a slight chill. Like the ring hadn’t been worn in a long time.
“Okay, I have the thing. Now tell me about Cole.” I slipped it into my pocket instead of putting it on my finger. I couldn’t have Eli seeing it later and asking me how it got there.
“I know who his father is,” Monnie began, his smile widening. “And I’m sure he wants to know, too, since he’s searching for him to perform the demon cure on himself.”
How did this demon know so much? It was irritating and incredibly freaky.
“You can tell Mr. Masters that the demon that spawned him is named Amon.”
The name didn’t ring any bells to me. And as far as I knew, this whole demon and angel, Heaven and Hell thing was news to me.
“And who is that?” I asked, maybe pushing my luck.
He clicked his tongue in frustration, but how was I supposed to know this stuff?
“Why, he’s the very first of us. The first original sin demon,” he said. “Most know him asPride.”
Cole was the son of Pride? Well, that checked out. Believed it one hundred percent.
If that were so, I had to find a way to get the message to him. If he hadn’t managed to figure it out for himself already, that is.
“Thanks. Now about your Halflings?” I examined the room again.
“Yes, right away.” Monnie snapped his fingers, and every creature turned into a thin wisp of shadowy smoke. One by one, the smoke evaporated from the hall until they were all gone.
Eli and Lisa, though, were still stuck in their fighting poses.
“The easiest way to get out of here is to find a place where the veil has been thinned out.” Monnie examined his nails, suddenly very interested in them. “It’s how we all have been crossing over recently. And I believe there’s a spot down this hall, around the corner, and through the door there. Just on the right, you’ll be able to see it. It opens up to your beloved city of Fairport.”
“Thanks,” I replied shortly. “Now unfreeze my friends?”