Page 108 of Death Trap
“No, you go right ahead. He didn’t know much of anything anyway.”
Eli pressed closer to my side. “Don’t worry. Once you complete the Trials, all your memories will be restored to you. The ones from your life before this death and from previous lives as well. You’ll have them all at your disposal, plus all the knowledge they bring.”
That was a lot of memories.
I had been looking for one lifetime full, and I was going to get thousands.
“And these Trials…” I began warily. “When do they start?”
“As soon as you’re ready and willing,” he replied with a smile. “First, you would need to meet Michael.”
“Michael?” I asked. He hadn’t mentioned a Michael before.
“Another one of the Firsts. He controls everything that has to do with the Guardians and Archangels. He’s the one who touched us and gave us the marks.”
“So…a new boss.”
He laughed. “You could say that.”
Really? Already?
Got rid of one and gained another. Damn. No wonder people liked starting their own businesses and working for themselves. It was easier.
“I’m not a very good employee,” I said. “Just ask Simon.”
When we glanced his way, he whispered, “The worst,” and I grinned.
“Michael knows all about you. You’re the first Archangel ever made, remember? He’s worked with you before, and he matched you with me.”
Of course. And I didn’t remember a thing.
Great. More people who knew me but I had no idea who they were.
And here I was going about my afterlife thinking I had almost no friends. Truth was, I had lots. I just couldn’t remember them.
I didn’t know what was worse, honestly.
“And after meeting Michael and completing the Trials…” I began. “I can come back here, right? Or go to the living world?”
“Well…yes.” Why did it sound like he was choosing his words carefully? “But things have already been put into motion, Jade. The veil between worlds is so thin now, even humans are starting to notice the dramatic increase of pregnancies and labor-related births from the demons trying to raise their armies. You’ll be able to pass through the planes as you wish, but Michael will have us on assignments, more than likely. We’ll be trying to find ways to stop the demons with the other Archangels and Guardians who’ve completed the Trials.”
“Have any finished them yet?”
“Er…no,” he said bluntly. “Actually, you’re the only Archangel on this side of the veil right now. All the others have to be recruited still by their Guardians.”
“You mean killed.” I glanced at Simon. “Did you know anything about this?”
“I haven’t gotten any specific orders, but when Eli told me about you and the others, I figured we’d have a part in it somehow,” he replied.
Killing people in the middle of their lives unexpectedly? They didn’t even know what they really were yet.
Eli must have seen the reservation on my face because he said, “It’s for the greater good, Jade. We need our army to combat Hell’s. Their souls will understand once they cross over and their Guardians explain their ultimate purpose to them.”
Like he’d done with me. Without the censor, though.
“And what happens if I don’t complete the Trials?” I asked.