Page 57 of Death Wish
Cole zigzagged throughout the downtown city streets until we made it to the outskirts again, where a few family-owned motels lined the highway exit. Of course, he pulled into the most rundown-looking one in the area, which was set underneath the underpass.
He parked in a spot in front of the office. The No Vacancy sign glowed red in the window.
“A real five-star joint, huh?” I said, getting a big whiff of urine and sewage coming in from the broken Jeep window.
“It’s not too bad.” Cole grinned. “Once you get over the strolling prostitutes, drug deals, and occasional roach.”
“Roaches! You’re kidding.”
“I never saw one, but you can only assume,” he said. “But I’m barely here. It works fine for a quick nap and shower while I’m in town, and then I’m off to work again.”
I wanted to bring up the subject again of why a well-known and well-paid mercenary was staying at a roach motel, but I kept my mouth shut. Not my business, I reminded myself.
“I’m right here in room two.” He opened the door and climbed out.
I did the same and followed him to the door.
A stranger’s voice and throat clearing made us both whip around. Leaning out of the office door was an unshaven man wearing a stained guinea tee and an unpleased look on his face. His gaze drifted to me, and it took me a second to remember I could be seen now. And that “Greg” was really Cole.
“Follow along,” Cole muttered, his lips barely moving at all. Then he gave the man his brightest smile, like they were long-lost friends. “Leonard! What’s goin’ on, man?”
The man named Leonard glanced at me again but with suspicious eyes.
I was about to ask him what his problem was, but the sudden arm wrapping around me made the words die in my throat. My first instinct was to grab for it, twist it hard, and elbow the person in the gut, but the moment Cole’s scent—a mixture of the morning’s coffee and worn leather—filled my nose, my heart skipped a beat or two.
Every muscle tensed as he pulled me to his side and said, “This is my girl, Danielle. Sweetie, this is Leonard. He helps me out whenever I’m in town and need a place to stay. He owns this place.”
I looked up at him in disbelief. Even though his Follow along echoed back in my head, I couldn’t stop my face from showing my feelings.
Sweetie? Really?
Despite Cole’s friendly smile, I could read the warning in his blue eyes. I forced myself to look at Leonard again. He was still staring at me intently, like he didn’t believe Cole’s story one bit.
“You know the rules, Greg. If you’re bringing a”—he paused, searching for the right words—“a lady friend for a few hours, then you need to pay for the extra occupant for those hours.”
A few hours? What did this guy take me for? A hooker?
That’s when it hit me. That was exactly what he thought I was. A lady of the night.
My anger came hard and fast. I leapt forward, wanting nothing more than to punch the asshole square in the nose for such a remark, but Cole’s hand was quick on my upper arm to stop me. He tugged me back, making me stumble into his chest with a loud “oomph.” Before I could shove away, his mouth was on mine, and the moment I gasped, his tongue pushed past my lips for a breath-stealing kiss.
It was so unexpected, I didn’t know what to do. My head screamed for me to fight him off. Hit him. Something. But instead, my body melted into his arms as he pulled me in closer and his hand cradled the side of my face. My mind fogged, and for those few moments, I was completely lost to this world. It was like I was passing through the spirit door again, hovering between planes, my stomach doing somersaults as it tried to determine which way was up.
The sound of Leonard’s forced cough had Cole pulling away. Without missing a beat, he said, “We’re visiting her mother, who lives in the city. Isn’t that right, hon?”
My heart was hammering in my chest, but Cole’s voice was smooth and convincing, spinning his lie like a spider’s web.
I felt myself nodding in agreement, too, feeding into it even more.
Leonard’s expression relaxed a bit.
“If it’s really a big deal, we can go to Monty’s place next door. I’m sure he still has rooms for the night.”
A nerve popped out of Leonard’s forehead as he gritted his teeth. Cole had obviously hit some kind of sore spot. Monty must have been a rival motel owner. The competition.
“No, no. Don’t worry about it. I’m sorry for assuming…” He glanced at me. “I’m truly sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you, if I did. We just get some shady characters around here sometimes.”