Page 53 of Death Wish
“What was that all about?” I asked, my nerves showing themselves in my shaky tone.
Cole was all grin. “Wyatt and Sean were able to find another object on the list. The air element. It’s a rare herb, almost extinct nowadays, with some kind of complicated name that translates into The Breath of Life. Seems easy enough.”
“Go on,” I pushed him, knowing there was more to the story that he wasn’t telling me.
At least he lowered his voice this time. We didn’t need the mess that would follow if a human overheard. “There is a magic oddities shop here downtown run by a witch named Marla.”
“Another friend of yours?” I mixed a sugar packet into my coffee and added a little of the cream. After a quick stir, I took another big gulp. Much better.
“Not even a little. She hates me.”
Hmm. I wondered why.
“The name of the shop is Divine Magic,” he said. “Have you ever been there?”
I shook my head, but remembered the little corner store a few streets over from Kay’s. “I’ve passed it many times, but I’ve never had any assignments there. The windows are always covered, like it’s closed. I don’t think I’ve ever seen people going in or out of there.”
“Since it’s close to the solstice, she may be doing appointments only. It’s her busy season for the magical folk. The front of the shop is a front for tourists mostly. Candles, incense, fake relics, and earth stones. A wannabe’s dream. But for the real sorcerers and witches, the powerful and rare stuff is in the back under lock and key, and that stuff can get nasty.”
“And you think she carries this herb we need,” I added.
“If anyone has it in this state, it’s Marla. People travel all around to visit her shop. She’s made quite a living for herself.”
“And that’s where I come in I’m guessing? If she hates you, I have to be the one to get the herb.”
He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. “You’re quick.”
I shrugged. “It’s common sense. She hates you, so that leaves me.” I took another bite of my food. I couldn’t help but notice that Cole hadn’t touched his since his phone call. Too preoccupied now? “Do you have money for this herb? It must be expensive if it’s so rare—if she even has it, that is.”
His right eyebrow arched. “Oh, don’t worry about that. We won’t be paying.”
“Stealing?” My voice rose, and I quickly dropped it when a couple nearby glanced our way. “You want me to steal this thing? Are you out of your mind?”
“If I know Marla, she’s not going to just hand it over willingly.”
“What if we pay for it?” I asked.
“How much money do you have in your bank accounts?” When I didn’t respond, only blinked at him dumbfounded, he said smugly, “That’s what I thought.”
“Hey now. I’ve only been breathing again for a couple of hours. What’s your excuse? Does the mercenary business not pay well these days?”
He crossed his arms and met my stare head-on. “It pays. But I haven’t been taking cases for a few months.”
“Nobody to kill?”
His expression was unamused. “I’ve been busy chasing down Xaver. Took up a lot of my time.” He shook his head and sighed. “Look, it doesn’t matter. Even if I had been keeping up with my current clientele, Marla would claim this powerful herb priceless. I’d be in debt for my entire life. Maybe not just money-wise. Marla also collects favors, and that’s something you just don’t want to get involved in.”
“So stealing it is our only option, you’re saying,” I replied.
“Unless you want to sell your soul to the she-devil,” he said.
My soul was already sold to Styx Corp., pretty much, by no doing of my own. If I ever could get out of my job without being Released—some kind of cosmic loophole I had no idea about—I definitely didn’t want to be in debt to anyone ever again.
My shoulders slumped. “Stealing it is, I guess.”
“Good. I’m glad you’re on board.” He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a wad of money as big as my fist. As he thumbed through the bills, I noticed they were all hundreds. He slapped one on the table and stood. “Come on. Let’s go.”
A hundred dollars for a twenty-dollar breakfast, at most? When I raised my brows, he smiled broadly.