Page 115 of Death Wish
At least I had done all I could to save her. And so far, the cure seemed to have worked, but there was no way to tell for sure until days went on and she gave birth.
Now it was time for me to get back to my afterlife, my job—whatever was left of it—and try my best to find out what was going on with me and these new gifts. There were still so many questions, like what was that floating white orb that had shown up to save my ass, not once but twice,during the battle with Xaver. Why was I suddenly shifting between dead and alive? And the light power. Was it connected to my angel mark? Where had that come from? Had I really been touched by one of them?
Oh, and let’s not forget what Azrael had to do with all of this. Why had he hired Cole to distract me?
After so much had happened, I was left with only more questions instead of answers. My to-do list was starting to look more like Santa’s naughty or nice list. Too overwhelming and long to handle, let alone check off twice. Sheesh. The fat guy had the right idea about keeping his job to once a year.
“I guess this is goodbye, then.” Cole’s voice pulled me out of my reverie. Like a business partner might, he stuck out his hand for me to shake.
I only stared at it, my hands comfortable in their place in my jean pockets. Had he forgotten that we had not only almost died battling demons and Halflings together, but we had slept together. And not some mediocre, quick sex either. Yet here he was acting like our encounters this last week were nothing more than part of the job requirement.
He flexed his fingers before withdrawing and rubbed the back of his neck instead. “Well…maybe I’ll see you around, Jade.”
Then, he turned around, snatched the herb and his backpack from beside the tree, and walked out of the cemetery, throwing a short wave goodbye to the others as he went.
Kay came to my side. “Do you think he’ll be back?” she asked as we both watched Cole disappear around the corner. In the unseen distance, his old Jeep whined to life as it started.
I shrugged, but on the inside, I knew the answer. Something told me that if Cole Masters and I ever crossed paths again, it wouldn’t be for more pleasantries.
The next time we came face to face, it was very likely I would have to kill him.