Page 28 of Something to Talk About
“If you wanted our attention, you didn’t have to get hurt.” I’m sitting on the couch when everyone and their brother walk through the door. It’s Matthew who makes the statement, leading in front of everyone else. I shake my head and start to get up from my place on the couch.
“Sit down, Asher Fontaine,” Lennon scolds from near the front door, waiting for the last person to clear the foyer. This is more or less a precaution, but anytime something happens while you’re on a call where a firefighter gets injured, you’re automatically taken to the hospital.
“Not my idea of fun either. Who rallied the troops?” I ask Matthew. He’s still in a business suit.
“That’d be me,” Luke says from his place near Briar, who’s been here all day, along with my sister. It’s the middle of the week, and Kennedy kept my niece out of school. Word traveled fast about me being in the hospital. Luckily, the only people who came to see me there were my parents,Luke, and, of course, Lennon. Luke happened to be doing rounds, saw me coming in on a stretcher, came over to talk to me, and I asked him to bring Lennon to me. He did, she made the call to my parents, and because Kenny was working and Briar was in school, we opted to let them know what happened once I was home.
“Figures. He’s like the telephone tree.” Tysen laughs at my statement
“That’s a good woman you got there,” he says, coming up behind Matthew to give me a handshake. My back is fucking aching after the fall. The ibuprofen is barely touching the tightness, but I’ll be damned if I take the prescribed pain pills the hospital sent me home with. The last thing I want or need is to feel out of control because of narcotics.
“Damn straight, I do. Get one of your own.” Ty throws his head back and chuckles.
“Not yet, man. Soon, though.” Sounds like him. He’s not the type to make a commitment until he’s on board one hundred percent.
“Get that. How’s the air treating you?” I ask.
“Can’t complain. Staying busy. I see you’re being treated real well. I’ll let the others make their presence known. I’m in town for a week or so. We’ll catch up then.” He meanders toward the kitchen, probably to raid the fridge.
“Sounds good.”
“Jesus, man, it’s usually Jagger giving us all kinds of hell, not you,” Crew greets me next. He’s not wrong. Jagger is an adrenaline junkie. He’s serious when it comes to his construction work, but on the weekends, he’s wild as fuck. There’s not a motocross track he won’t ride on. Jumping outof a plane? No big deal. Bungee jumping? He’s done that, too. He’ll even go rock climbing, head out west, leave his cell phone at camp, and do his thing. He says it’s to clear his head. I call bullshit. At least now he has a watch with cell phone service in case something happens. You know, like when he broke his collarbone white water rafting.
“You’re not wrong. Hazards of the job, though.” I shake Crew’s hand. He’s used to Jagger’s antics seeing as how they work pretty closely together with him being an engineer.
“I guess.” We shoot the shit for a few more minutes until Lennon appears from the kitchen. She’s got a glass of sweet tea in each hand, one for her and one for me. It isn’t until she takes a seat on the arm of the chair after she places one glass in my hand and the other on the coffee table that I realize what she’s doing. Her hand reaches out for mine, and I give it to her, then two white pills drop in the palm of my hand.
“Thanks, gorgeous.” I toss the pills back and swallow them down with my drink.
“You’re welcome.” She sits quietly as Jagger walks in with a rebuttal to Crew’s statement.
“Way to drag a man’s name through the mud when he can’t stand up for himself?” Jagger stands in the corner, shoulder pressed into it, holding his big body up.
“Whatever, dude, it’s not talking shit when it’s the truth,” Johnny says to the room. He’s in a pair of jeans and rock band tee, sneakers on his feet and a hat on his head. He’s dressed casually considering whenever he’s at the club, you’ll find him in a three-piece suit, or at the bare minimum it’ll be a silk dress shirt, dress pants, and whatever Italian-made leather loafers he picks that day.
“You can’t even deny it,” Jude interrupts. He’s usually in his hidey hole of an office, developing apps for some big wigs, smaller businesses, and then there’s the one’s he’ll do for fun. A night owl of sorts, when the mood strikes, he won’t stop until he’s finished.
“Well, damn, maybe I’ll show myself out if this is pick-on-Jagger day.” The guys talk amongst themselves while my hand goes around Lennon’s waist, pulling her off the arm of the chair and into my lap.
“Asher, don’t hurt yourself.” She tries to get up, but I hold her firmly against my thigh and cock.
“I’m not. You staying away will do that,” I whisper into her ear.
“No funny business. You heard the doctor. Two days of rest, then we’ll go back to have you checked out, and maybe then you’ll be cleared for work and other things.” She trails off the end of her statement. Her hips wiggling in my lap do nothing to stop my cock from perking up. We’ll see who makes it longer with this self-imposed no-sex order. I’d wager that once everyone clears the house, we relax, and she’s in the bathroom, all it will take is me stepping inside the walk-in shower for her stance to change.
“We’ll see about that.” I nip at her neck. “How much do you want to bet that I’ll be inside you by the end of the night?”
“Hmmm, what should we gamble?” she plays into my ministrations. This woman, fuck, but I love her.
“I know what I want.” My hand slides from her hip to her ass, squeezing it, telling her without words what I want. She’s already admitted to liking the way I’ve been playing with herass, slowly stretching her to take my cock, and we’ve been leading up to the moment for whenever she’s ready.
“I know what I want, too.” She turns in my seat, being gentle in order not to jar my tense muscles.
“What’s that, sweetheart?”