Page 47 of Protecting What's Mine
My stomach drops, and I break into a sprint, my eyes locking onto the van as it speeds down the road. The driver comes into view.
Tank Top Man.
“Tory!” I yell, but it’s useless. She’s not here. She’s in that van.
I dive back into the truck, my hands shaking with adrenaline as I start the engine. The tires squeal as I pull out of the lot, my foot slamming the gas pedal to the floor.
I know they have her.
The van weaves through traffic ahead of me, trying to blend in, but it’s too late. I’ve got them in my sights, and I’m not letting them out of it.
“Tory,” I growl under my breath, gripping the wheel so tightly my knuckles turn white. “I’m coming for you.”
The van takes a sharp turn onto a side road, and I follow, the truck roaring as I push it harder. My mind races through every possibility, every scenario, but one thought overrides them all:
I will get her back.
No matter what it takes.
I follow them now, my headlights off, staying just far enough behind to avoid detection. The road is dark and mostly empty, which makes tailing them without being noticed trickier than I’d like. My phone buzzes in the center console, and I grab it, keeping one hand on the wheel.
“Dean,” I bark, answering without pleasantries. “The photos you sent us of those guys are tied to Earth’s Bounty.”
“That eco-extremist group? Makes sense. They’ve been quiet for a while, but this kind of move fits their profile.” I press the gas harder. “I’m on their tail,” I say, my eyes locked on the van ahead. “They’ve got Tory.”
Dean swears under his breath. “Tell me everything.”
I relay the story of how Tory was taken at the gas station, and Dean curses more as I tell him how they tossed her into an unmarked van, and I’m hot on their tracks.
“They’re young, reckless, and stupid,” I growl. “But I need to know where they’re taking her—and I think they’ll lead me to Malser.”
“Do not lose that van,” Dean orders.
“Wasn’t planning on it,” I snap.
Dean exhales sharply. “Earth’s Bounty has a compound not far from Saint Pierce. Rural area, lots of land, good for keeping people hidden. Bravo’s already been deployed. We’ll have eyes in the air soon, and I’ll send their coordinates once we confirm the location.”
“I’m closing in,” I say, glancing at the speedometer. The van takes an unexpected turn down a narrow dirt road, and I slow my truck, keeping enough distance to stay out of sight.
“Ranger,” Dean says, his tone more urgent now. “Do not engage. Let Bravo handle this.”
“I’ll do what I need to do,” I reply, my jaw tightening.
“Damn it, Ranger, don’t go lone wolf on me!”
“Dean,” I cut him off, my voice like steel. “If we wait too long, Tory and her father could both be dead. I won’t let that happen.”
The road twists and turns, trees closing in on either side, until the van finally slows and pulls into a hidden driveway. A set of gates looms ahead, just visible in the moonlight, and I pull off to the side of the road, killing my engine.
“They’re here,” I say quietly. “The compound.”
“I’ve got Bravo en route,” Dean says quickly. “Give them time to get into position.”
“There’s no time,” I growl, my hand already reaching for the weapon holstered at my side. “They’ve got Tory, Dean. By the time your team gets here, it could be too late.”