Page 32 of Competing Against Thor
"You were one already," she responded. "I've thought about how easily you'd be able to lift me up a few times, now I just know what that feels like."
My mind instantly went back to last night. I hadn't planned any of that, and we'd been lucky that Aine had sent me a gift basket from Jinx that included condoms. No doubt she was probably trying to convince me to sign up as a client, though I didn't think that was going to be something I was interested in now.
"I'm done with the woodpecker," she said, breaking me out of my thoughts. "What do you think?" She held it up.
I let out a low whistle. Distracted or not, it was a masterpiece. I could see why she hadn't been worried about the lack of flowers on the sculpture. The feathers of the bird almost looked like they were real, and it was impressive how much of an expression she'd managed to capture. "That's amazing," I said.
"Thanks. I need to put him on the tree now."
I nodded. "Want a hand?"
"Is that just an excuse to touch me again?"
"Definitely," I joked.
"Maybe stand by in case I do," she responded, heading towards the tree and coming to a stop. She reached out to touch the nest I'd built into the tree. "This is beautiful."
"Thanks," I responded. "I'm pleased with how it turned out."
"You should be." She turned to smile at me, and I suspected that if we'd been alone, she might have kissed me rather than just that.
I didn't mind. We'd have time in the future for things like that, so long as I played my cards right and actually asked her on a date.
"I am going to need your help," she said. "I need you to hold him in place while I get the soldering iron."
"Yep, will do. Would screws not do it?" I took over from where she was standing, my fingers brushing against hers as I did.
She bit her lip. "They would, but I find they interfere with some of the more detailed work." There was a slight shake in her voice that I didn't think had anything to do with metalwork. "Careful of your hands."
I nodded but didn't say anything so she could concentrate on using the soldering iron. I might be a god, but that didn't mean I had heat-resistant hands. Though I supposed I could use a spell for that if I wanted to.
"Okay, that should be good," she said, stepping back.
Carefully, I let go of the woodpecker, relief travelling through me as it stayed in one place.
Daisy looked up at the timer. "Ten minutes left, I'm surprised they're not shouting about it yet."
"There's ten minutes left on the clock!" Rosie called, as if reminded by Daisy's comment, even if I knew they weren't actually paying attention to us right now.
"We should check around and make sure there's nothing out of place," she said.
I nodded and started to check over the bottom of the tree while she climbed up the ladder to take in the top. I had to admit that I was impressed with what we'd managed to come up with in just two days. I'd never have guessed it was possible, but we'd worked well together and that had paid off.
"Okay," Daisy said as she stepped off the ladder and came to stand beside me. "We did good, if we had more time, I think it would be great."
"Good enough that you'd collaborate with me again?"
She looked at me. "I don't know whether you're asking about the sculpture or the sex."
"I was specifically asking about the sculpture, but I'll take an answer to either question." And if I was honest, I hoped she would say yes to both of them.
"I'll collaborate with you in the future." She touched my arm as she said it, lingering for just long enough that I knew shewastalking about both.
"Your time is up!" Duncan called, cutting through our moment. "Step away from your sculptures and come down to the front."
"Ready?" I asked her.
"To be judged? Never."