Page 20 of Competing Against Thor
"No, I can't. I don't want rumours getting around that I'm a bad loser, that'll risk more clients than being knocked out."
"Ah, yeah, I can see that." A contemplative expression crossed his face. "So getting wasted is out."
"Yep. I'm going to nurse this drink and completely ignore all of the feelings inside."
"Or you could blow off steam another way," he suggested.
"I don't evenwantto know what you're thinking about," I murmured.
"Well, when I need to blow off steam, I find someone to blow..."
"Okaaaaaay. I've heard enough of that already. You're not exactly quiet when you have your overnight guests." It was almost enough to make me want to move out of our shared flat above the workshop, but being so close to work, and having such cheap rent, were too appealing for me to pass up on.
He chuckled. "So, we should find someone to get you off."
I leaned back in my seat. "I can't believe I'm actually considering this," I muttered. It would make me feel better if I picked the right guy. Though that in itself was a bit of a challenge, especially when I already had someone in mind.
One that Danny seemed to have already taken under advisement. He scanned the bar, his face lighting up as he spotted someone he thought might have potential. He nudged me in the side. "The guy in the corner's your type," he said. "He could be my type too. I love a man who looks like he could pick me up with one hand."
I rolled my eyes and looked in the direction he was suggesting, shock going through me as I recognised the broad man nursing a drink alone. "He probably could as well," I said.
"Hmm, he seems familiar, have you slept with him before?" Danny asked.
"What? No. That's Thor."
"Ohhhhh. Your crush and biggest competition. Got it."
"Not any more," I muttered. "I thought his name would count against him with the judges before realising he was Thor."
"I thought they were judging all the sculptures blind?"
"Well, yeah, but we're five rounds in, they should be able to recognise each person's style by now."
Danny shrugged and took a sip of his drink. "Not your problem, and it doesn't stop you from using him to get you off."
"You make it sound so clinical."
"Well, you're not looking for something serious. And he looks as if he'd be good with his hands."
Memories of watching him use his hands while sculpting sprang to mind. As crudely as Danny was talking about the situation, I could see his point. Thor probablywasgood with his hands.
"I don't even know if he'd go for it," the words fell out of me before I had time to think of if they were sensible for me to say. It was fine. Danny had known me for long enough that he wouldn't care if I was just thinking out loud.
"One way to find out," he said.
Before I could even finish my question, he'd hopped off his stool and sauntered over to where Thor was sitting with all the confidence he'd always had.
Panic filled me at the thought of my best friend getting involved in this, I dreaded to think what he was going to say without my supervision. I downed my drink and hurried over.
"Ignore him," I blurted out the moment I arrived.
Thor raised an eyebrow, his muscles somehow managing to flex despite the fact he wasn't moving much. "What if I don't want to?"
"I'm not going to have sex with you," I blurted out.
Danny chuckled, his amusement clear on his face. "I hadn't gotten to that part yet."