Page 11 of Competing Against Thor
"I hope not." The last thing I wanted was to become embroiled in anything like that. It was going to be difficult enough to prove my worth without complicating things.
I smiled at the bartender and ordered us a couple of drinks. There weren't a huge number of people here yet, but the night was still young. Not that I planned on staying out very late. I had to be up early tomorrow to work on the commission I'd gotten, and with my weekends now taken up with filming the competition, I had less time to work with than normal.
I picked up my glass of wine and studied the room just as the doors opened and Thor stepped inside. Where he was normally dressed casually, his demeanour in a suit was something else. It fit him perfectly, and the dark red close-cropped beard made him look even better.
I swallowed hard. At least my attraction to him shouldn't be too much of an issue considering he was a god. He was so far out of my league that we weren't even competing.
A woman appeared beside him and touched his arm. Her light blue hair was swept up into an elegant twist and her dress looked like it had been made for her. Nowthatwas someone who was in the same league as Thor.
"Why do you look like that time Jenna Forbes kissed Jason Cooper right in front of you?" Danny asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.
"At that party when we were seventeen. Jenna kissed Jason and you'd been crushing on him forever," Danny said.
"I don't know what point you're trying to make, but I'm definitely not getting it."
"You look jealous."
"No, I don't." I tore my gaze away from Thor and the woman he was with. "Why would I look jealous?"
He looked over in the direction I was previously looking and a knowing expression crossed his face. "That'sThor."
"Yes, that's Thor," I responded, picking up my drink and taking a sip. "What of it?"
"Ah, you like him."
"I think he's hot," I countered. "And no one is going to argue with me. You should see his arms."
"Mmm, you do have a thing for them," he agreed.
"But it doesn't matter, he's clearly here with someone."
"So are you," Danny pointed out. "Maybe he's looking over at you and wondering how he thought he had a chance now you're standing next to the hottest guy in the room."
I snorted.
"Hey! No need to dent my pride."
"There are literal gods in the room, Danny, you're not the hottest one here."
"Hmmm, true. Now the real question is if you think I stand a chance with any of them?" He scanned the room.
"Are you seriously looking for someone to hook up with right now?"
"Absolutely. What about him in the corner?" He nodded to the back.
"That's Brandon Furst."
"What?" My best friend stared at me as if I'd grown a second head. "Brandon Furst?TheBrandon Furst? As in three-time world forging champion?"
"Is that a thing?" I responded.
"You're part of a competition for metal sculpting, you absolutely know it's a thing," he countered. "So, is it him?"
"Yes. He's one of my competitors," I responded.
"I'm sorry, Dais, but you're going to lose."