Page 43 of Untouchable Player
I roll my eyes, “you sound like my mom…shit, no offence.”
Jesse laughs, “none taken, your mom’s amazing.” He swallows, “how is she by the way?”
My stomach drops and I feel like crying. “My dad’s an asshole.”
“I’d kill my dad if he cheated on my mom.”
“I appreciate you helping out.”
“It’s the least I can do for hanging round your house all the time.”
“Mom loves you hanging around.”
We’re quiet for a bit and I notice Jesse tapping his fingers to the beat ofRespecton the steering wheel.
“Did I cock block you?”
He blushes, deep, “do you mean by being drunk so I can’t hook up with you?”
I didn’t mean that. I can’t believe I just said it.
“No, I meant, did I stop you from hooking up with a girl?”
“Oh. No. I mean, I do hook up with girls, but… I like guys too, in case you couldn’t tell.”
“So you’re bi?”
He frowns, “how did you know? Before you kissed me I mean. Where you just…” he pauses, looking for the right word.
“Do you have a profile? On a gay dating app…”
“Oh shit, I knew someone would recognise me from that. I just guessed it would be another gay, or bi, dude.”
“I haven’t told anyone.”
Jesse swallows. “It’s okay.”
“Does anyone know? Harrison?”
He shakes his head. “I don’t care if people know, I’m not embarrassed, it’s just… I’m not gonna end up marrying a guy, so why do people need to know?”
My heart sinks. “That’s not how it works.”
“Bisexuality, you still don’t get to choose who you… fall in love with.”
“I don’t think I could fall in love with a guy. I just like having sex with them.”
My heart sinks deeper. I should have known it was too good to be true. A nice guy I’m attracted to being into me. Of course he doesn’t want to date a guy. He just sees hooking up with guys as meaningless sex and wants to end up with a woman, in a ‘real’ relationship.
That stops the conversation dead and we don’t say another word until Jesse pulls up outside the house. I hope Dad is in bed and doesn’t get up to ask me where I’ve been.
“Are you gonna be okay?”