Page 25 of Untouchable Player
“Nothing, I was watching a sad movie that’s all.”
When I look at the screen, all I see is a nature documentary.
“Oh, okay.”
“How was your night? Did you and Katie have a nice time?”
I see she doesn’t want to talk about it, so I go along with the charade.
“It was good, I’m just going to go up to bed.”
“Yeah, it’s late, you’ve probably got class tomorrow.”
“Yup, well, goodnight,” I give her a quick one-armed hug and she squeezes me for a second before letting me go.
I’m uneasy as I lay down in bed, listening for her going up to her room. Wondering why she was crying and then lying about it. Thoughts of that weird meeting with Jesse puncturing those thoughts. How Katie said he wasn’t how she expected him to be. He isn’t how I expected him to be either.
Practise runs late and I’m late for studying with Nate.
I think it’s a good idea to skip the shower and just jump straight on the bus, but as soon as I sit down, I smell myself and, yeah, it wasn’t a good idea.
No one sits next to me, even as the bus starts to fill up.
As soon as Nate opens the door, I apologise for stinking.
“I was late for our… thing, and I didn’t have time to shower at the rink.”
“You can shower here if you like.”
The offer’s thrown out there so casually, I don’t know why it makes my face get so hot.
“Won’t your mom mind?”
Nate laughs, “I’ve got my own shower, in the attic room, come on, I’ll show you.”
I follow Nate upstairs, painfully aware that I’m about to see his bedroom. The fact it’s in the attic makes it feel even more private.
I imagine a rope ladder or something, but of course, Nate’s family are rich enough to have proper stairs that you can pull down.
When we step into the bedroom, I’m surprised by how plain it is. No posters on the walls or trophies or rosettes from hobbies. I know Nate isn’t into sports, but not even a spelling bee trophy? Not even a poster of Einstein?
There’s a schedule tacked up on the wall by his computer and bookshelves full of text books, but I don’t even see any nerdy novels or comic books or anything.
“The bathroom’s just through there, there’s a fresh towel hanging on the back of the door.”
The bathroom is clean and sparce like his bedroom. A clean white towel hanging on the back of the door.
I try not to think about the fact there’s someone standing on the other side while I strip out of my clothes. I should be used to getting naked by now. I do it with an entire team of guys in the locker room, but this feels different.
Nate is a cute guy who is completely out of bounds. Not only is he way too smart for me, but he’s my captain’s little brother and Jones would kill me if he knew I was even thinking about him like that.
When I pop open a container, I get a whiff of shampoo and the realisation that this is what Nate’s hair smells like makes my dick twitch.
I absolutely cannot jerk off in someone else’s shower.