Page 119 of Untouchable Player
It wasn’t meant to be. I can let it go. That’s one lesson I’ve learnt from my dad. Don’t stew in regrets and things that didn’t happenand things you didn’t get to do. It’ll drag you down and poison you. I’d rather enjoy the things I do get to do, like sleep in a hotel with the hottest person on the planet, who, for whatever reason, likes getting naked with me just as much as I like getting naked with him.
But before we can do that, we have to have a real New York City experience and eat hot dogs on the street and just walk around looking at everything with big eyes and our mouths wide open.
Nate looks so good wrapped up in a chequered scarf and a grey wool coat. His hair blowing around his face in the wind and I have to keep pulling him into store doorways to kiss him. His lips cold and smiling as he laughs and pretends he isn’t loving all the attention I’m giving him.
We end up eating dinner at the hotel, because everywhere looks so busy and intimidating. Nate’s too nervous to order a drink with dinner and actually, I don’t want one either. I’d rather stay sober and soak up every second of this.
Nate waits until we’ve eaten to ask me how I felt watching the game.
“It sucked a little,” I admit, “but I’m glad I’m here, and I’m glad I watched it. And I’m glad we won, even if I didn’t get to be a part of it.”
Nate nods and sips his water.
“And I’m glad I’m here with you.”
I take his hand over the table and he drops his eyes. I can’t believe he still blushes after everything we’ve done together. And I can’t believe we’re actually here, together, and I don’t know what’s going to happen in our future, but I also know that’s okay. I have a feeling that whatever it is, it’s going to involve us being together.
My mom and dad let me use their credit card for the hotel as a little gift, and I couldn’t even meet my dad’s eye while mom handed it over with a big grin on her face,
“have fun,” she said.
In the hotel restaurant, Jesse holds my hand while he eats and I could burst with how lucky I am. I don’t want to be apart from him next year, but we have all this time ahead of us before that happens and we’re going to make the most of it.
I can’t wait to have a boyfriend in college. Someone to hold hands with while I walk to class. Jesse will probably want to carry my books, and I’m going to let him.
When the bill comes for dinner, we use dad’s Am Ex to pay and then go upstairs to bed.
Thank god we’re not staying in the same hotel as the hockey team. As soon as we fall back onto the bed and Jesse goes down on me, I can’t be quiet and he doesn’t tell me to.
We take our time, knowing we have all night and Jesse doesn’t have to play hockey for another week yet. I can use up all his energy without feeling guilty at all.
He takes a long time teasing me, and I know he won’t fuck me until I’m practically begging. He brought a whole box of condoms and I’m planning on using as many as possible before the night is up.
Our bodies are slick with sweat before Jesse even touches my hole. He asks me to slick my fingers up because he likes watching while I open myself up for him, jerking himself off while he kneels between my legs, his eyes glassing over as he watches the progress of my fingers sliding in and out of my body while I watch him.
He bats my hand away and replaces my fingers with his own, pressing his chest against mine to land a clumsy kiss on my mouth. He mutters something unintelligible when I wrap my hand around his cock.
We share a long, deep moan as he pushes deep inside me.
“Fuck Nate,” he moans, brushing my hair out of my face, “you’re beautiful.”
“You are.”
He laughs and shakes his head without stopping his slow, deep thrusts.
Jesse’s body looks incredible in the hotel lamp light. The thick veins running down his forearms as he holds himself above me, that deep V-shape of his hips.
I press the heels of my feet against his sexy butt and press him deeper inside and he groans, his eyes on fire as he watches me, like I’m the hottest thing he’s ever seen.
I lay back and watch him move, not quite able to believe that this gorgeous, chip-toothed lunatic is all mine.
Down the stairs to the rink. One last time.
My brothers in front and behind me. The smell of fresh tape and rubber. The sound of blades on concrete as we march down each step. I tap the team mantra for luck.