Page 73 of Lady's Steed
“Are you saying the folk toiling away will try and hurt me?”
“More than hurt, young queen. With you dead, there will be no one standing in Zhos’ path.” Opal rose and fluttered her hands. “Quickly. You must go.”
“Right after I free my friends and horse.”
“There is no time.” Opal began pushing her in the direction of the cave entrance. “Zhos’ servants are coming.”
Avera let herself be shoved rather than dig in her heels, but she did ask, “How is it they haven’t attacked you?”
“Because they can’t see me. However, I’d wager the Voxspira blood in your veins is why Zhos can sense you. Go!” Opal shoved her out onto the ledge and Avera grunted, “Careful. That’s a steep drop.”
The least of her problems because, in that moment, she perceived a bigger dilemma. The mist had dissipated once moreso she could clearly spot the townsfolk mounting the ramp, carrying picks and an assortment of knives.
But most concerning of all? A sword-wielding Gustav led the glazed-eyed mob.
Chapter 18
“We are too late,”muttered Opal as she stood watching the approaching menace.
A hundred or so paces separated them from the sword-wielding rook and the townsfolk, meaning Avera had to decide quickly what action to take. “Gustav won’t hurt me.” She couldn’t help sounding uncertain. It didn’t help that he stared right through her, as did a spade-wielding Josslyn by his side.
“Your soldier will most definitely harm you. They all will, as they are under Zhos’ control.”
“Not if I snap them out of the spell.” Avera held forth the amulet.
“You said it works by touch?”
Avera nodded.
“Will you touch them all before they kill you?” Sarcastic criticism that bit.
A deflated Avera chewed her lip. “It might be difficult.
“You mean impossible.” Opal snorted as the bleary-eyed army advanced. “You still have time to make it to the tunnel. They won’t follow. That tunnel still has protection from the mist, unlike the main entrance.”
Flee? And leave her friends behind? Surely there was a way to save them too.
The amulet heated in her hand, and she glanced at it. If only there was a way to expand its range.
An idea hit her. “Do you have a jug of that oil you use in your hearth?”
“Planning to light them on fire?” Opal sounded shocked.
“Of course not,” Avera exclaimed. “Quick, I have something to try.”
The jug rested just within the cave entrance and Opal emerged with the earthenware container. “There’s not much left.”
“Then we’d better hope this works,” Avera muttered as she knelt and poured a line of oil across the ledge. The thick, viscous fluid didn’t sink into the stone nor evaporate. Avera placed the amulet in the liquid and leaned back on her heels, ready to flee if it didn’t work. Her hope? That the magic of the amulet could infuse the oil, then any who touched it would be freed.
As Gustav neared with his army, the talisman began to glow, faintly at first, but strengthening the closer they drew. Opal bent to eye it with curiosity. “The magic in it is not one I’m familiar with.”
“Do you think it will work?”
“One can only pray.”
Avera eyed her trap just as Opal murmured, “The mist is rising.”
“Guess I’d better protect myself.” Avera reached to place her hand on the talisman only Opal tapped her shoulder. “No need for you to touch it. The mist has no power over you.”