Page 49 of Lady's Steed
“I’ll gladly leave but not because you bluster. I have better things to do.” Xavier left and an uncomfortable silence fell.
Rianna popped up. “I’ll go fetch dessert.”
No one pointed out they’d already had bowls of custard after the meal. Let the woman collect herself.
Harry slumped in his seat and sighed. “I don’t know where I went wrong. He’s always been a hothead, but of late he’s downright belligerent. Acts as if he’s better than everyone. Struts around, ordering people about as if he’s already lord.”
“The suggestion to put him on a ship might not be a bad one. The sailors wouldn’t put up with it,” Gustav offered with a shrug.
“And yet how would I get him there?”
Gustav’s lips curved as he said, “Nothing a good knock in the head and some rope wouldn’t fix.”
The suggestion led to Harry laughing, and soon the conversation resumed as did the good humor. However, when they adjourned to their room, Josslyn wedged a chair under the door.
Avera arched a brow.
“Just in case,” Josslyn murmured. “I don’t trust that prick, Xavier.”
And with good reason as it turned out.
The handle turned in the wee hours of the night, and the door rattled in its frame, but didn’t open.
Avera couldn’t sleep after that, and thus was the first to smell the smoke seeping under the door. She removed the wedged chair and flung open the door, hoping it was just a clogged chimney spewing fumes. However, the heat rushed in to dry her skin. The thick smoke and, most tellingly, the orange glow coming from the stairwell made it clear.
The wooden house was on fire.
Chapter 12
Avera dartedacross the hall to pound on Gustav’s door. “Fire!”
She heard a muffled, “What?” but didn’t stick around. He’d soon figure it out. She returned to her room and shut the door to minimize the smoke, then shook Josslyn. “Wake up.”
“What is it?” mumbled Josslyn.
“The house is on fire.” A word that had Josslyn’s eyes popping open.
“Oh dear,” Josslyn exclaimed as she rose from the bed. “Where are my clothes?”
Avera had already begun dressing, her gown sliding over her petticoat. She’d just finished buttoning it when a pounding at the door had them both eyeing it.
“Open up. It’s me, Gustav.”
Josslyn wrenched the door open. Smoke billowed in, causing Avera to cough. Gustav quickly shut the door and strode over to the window for a glance.
“What are you looking for?” Josslyn asked.
“A way out.”
“Can’t we use the stairs?”
A grim Gustav replied, “No. Whoever set the fire wanted to ensure no one would escape.”
“We need to wake Lord Harry and Lady Rianna!” exclaimed Avera.
“I’ll go hunt them down. Be ready to leave,” Gustav ordered.
“Leave how? You said the stairs are on fire,” exclaimed Josslyn.