Page 100 of Lady's Steed
I’m taking the Queen to Verlora.
Nothing else. But enough. Gustav highly doubted she’d gone of her own volition. Avera would never leave without speaking to him. Despite knowing the futility, Gustav raced to the pier and then pounded to the end of the dock. Too late.
The ship was a mere speck, too far for him to swim. His sister found him there, staring long after it sailed out of sight.
“What’s wrong? Where’s Avera?”
“That blasted captain kidnapped her.”
“Oh dear.” Josslyn gasped, putting a hand to her lips. “Do you think he’s turning her in to Benoit for the reward?”
“What makes you say that? He’s a pirate.”
“He is, but he’s also Verlorian. The note he left claims he’s taking her there.”
“Has he changed his mind? Is he going to help her?”
Gustav’s lips pinched. “I don’t know what he plans to do.” But he didn’t imagine it would turn out well for his queen—and the girl who was like a daughter to him.
“How can we help her?”
“There’s nothing we can do for Avera but pray she survives whatever this pirate has planned.”
“And what of us? What shall we do?”
Gustav glanced at his sister, and while it would have been easier to give up and retire somewhere remote, he didn’t have it in him. “Now, we start countering Benoit’s rumors. Start the revolution to oust him.”
“But who will sit on the throne if we succeed?”
“Anyone but him,” spat Gustav.
If it was the last thing he did, he’d ensure Benoit died.
For the good of Daerva. It was what Avera would have wanted.
Avera wokein a strange bed that wouldn’t stop rocking. She pushed up from the slender mattress and almost smacked her head on the bunk above.
Where am I?
Last she recalled…
The captain had done something to her.
As she rose to her feet, it occurred to her she’d been kidnapped. Not just abducted but placed upon his ship. Why?
Avera traversed the small cabin to the door only to find it locked. She pounded on it. “Let me out! You scurvy pirate. How dare you kidnap me!”
It took a moment before he replied from the other side of the locked portal. “Now, now, little queen. I’d have thought you’d be happy. After all, you practically begged me for passage on my ship.”
“As a passenger, not a prisoner,” she yelled.
“Does the how matter?”
“Where are Gustav and Josslyn?”