Page 179 of Chasing Headlines
“Hm. At leastyour dadunderstood the sacrifices.”
“Yeah, sure. Only he didn’t see them as choices.” He shrugged. “I was expected to make them. Even as I began to see a different world with my own eyes.”
“Trainer girl’s hot.”
He met my gaze. “Off limits.”
I chuckled. A bit. My head didn't like the motion. “Always liked blonds better anyway.”
“Keep it that way.”
I rubbed a hand over my forehead. My fingers slid over the fading wound. “Is the doctor coming back or what?”
Sender shrugged.
“This sucks. I don’t even remember what happened. Not . . . really. Just that Jimenez was supposed to hit long. Then he bunted. Like a fuckin prick.”
“You scored the winning run. Isn’t that all that matters?”
“Yeah.”Then why does it feel like . . . something’s missing?
The doorknob turned and inched open. Sender stood and crossed the room.
“This infernal, heavy God damned door! How’s an old lady supposed to throw it open in disgust?”
I groaned. My heart beat a last flutter in my throat before settling back in my chest. Sender opened the door for Dotty, making the mistake of chuckling when he did so.
“Took you long enough.” She smacked him in the chest.
He glanced at me, an actual expression on his face. “This your grandma?” His lips twitched like he was holding back laughter.
“No. She’s . . . What the hell?” An entire clump of people like a human traffic jam stood in the hallway. The doctor came back into the room. Schorr and Eberhardt followed. Sender propped open the door. I did not need a whole audience. I just needed my instructions from the doctor and a ride to the dorm.
Dotty sat down beside my bed and tapped the back of my hand twice. “There there. You’ll be fine.”
“What are you doing here?”
Dotty turned around. “Where the hell is she?”
“Who?” My brain was a mushy fog.
“You know.”
Schorr patted my shoulder. I glanced up. Eberhardt nodded. “We’re getting you out of here. Just need a couple of signatures.”
“Coop can stay with me.” Schorr fidgeted with the hat in his hands.
“Nothing doing.” Dotty shook her head.
“Why the hell are you even here? I thought when your last son graduated, I was done with the Vachon’s brand of crazy.” He groused.
I closed my eyes and wished this whole thing, minus the win, wasn't real.
“Coop’s going back to his dorm. And I will personally ensure his wellbeing.”
“Oh, here we go.” Schorr groaned. “How're you gonna do that, Dot? You’re like seventy-two if you’re a day. Daft old bird.”
“Let’s take this down a notch. He’ll be fine in his dorm. Fens and the other guys will check in on him. It’s better for him, and neither of you have any actual room in your residences,” Eberhardt said.