Page 140 of Chasing Headlines
“It took us a while, but in the end I realized.” He tucked his hands behind his head, again, and spoke to the ceiling. “You believed in me. When not many people wanted to give me a chance.” His chest rose and fell. The room was quiet, still. He was just making up a story, though, right? I glanced up at the clock on the wall. Crossed my arms against the fluttery warmth in my stomach. I flit my eyes up at him. Blue irises smoldered, like the tip of a blue hot flame. His gaze dropped to a point lower than my face. “Who can resist a chick who flashes you the first time you meet?”
I groaned.Ass.“Just let me in to see Dotty. I havegotto get an interview out of her or my grade is toast.” I grumbled. “She's squirrely. At least you're just like: no comment. She's all 'oh I'm not up for it, let me ask you a bunch of questions about you, instead.'“
“She doesn't get many visitors. I've seen her son sign in one time this semester. She doesn't really belong in a place like this.”
“You know, now that you mention it. A guy shouldn't deny his girlfriend an interview.”I have some questions for you, on the record.
That super-annoying smirk was back in full force. “I'll let you interview me.”
“As long as you're naked.”
My jaw dropped. I glared at him. He just looked . . . so fuckin’ pleased with himself.
“Maybe you should be the one to get naked for me. 'Breslin Cooper's Revealing Interview. Take a peek at the realassinside those hot baseball pants'.” I gave him a wink, then turned, sashaying my hips as I runway model strutted to the hallway door.
I set my bag down on the floor and slid into the seat next to Dotty’s window. I crossed my fingers and said a silent prayer that this woman would be?—
“It was lovely of you to come by, dear.” Dotty smiled up at me, and patted her hand on top of the table.
I sighed inwardly. “Still not up for it, then.” I stirred the tea she'd served. A nice cinnamon chamomile blend I'd picked up at the store on my way. It smelled spicy and floral.
She shrugged. “I’m really not all that interesting. You sure you need to interview little old me?”
“She likes being difficult. And enjoys the attention,” a deep and familiar voice cut in.
Dotty straightened in her seat. She scowled. “Oh, don’t listen to that spoil sport.” She gestured like she was trying to shoo him away. “He’s a giant-sized pest. Even if he does have pretty blue eyes.”
Coop stood, filling the doorway. “Should I bring your dinner now, or are you waiting?”
“Waiting. What is it tonight anyway? Another episode of 'guess the mystery meat surprise'?” She groused as she poured more milk into her tea.
He shrugged, but instead of going away, he moved further into the room.
“She has you pegged.” I told him as I sipped my tea.
He lifted an eyebrow and turned that smug face and the aforementioned blue eyes in my direction.Ugh, ass, I hate that smirk.
“That I’m a spoil sport? Or that I have pretty blue eyes?”
“The latter. I mean former. You’re the worst spoil sport, refusing to give me an interview—week after week. The latter only applies insofar as you have blue eyes.” I huffed and looked away as I lied through my teeth. “No one thinks they’re pretty.”Mesmerizing. Smoldering. Dammit Liv.
“Oh, they’re lustrous.” Dotty's voice quavered. “If only I were fifty years younger.”
I scoffed. “He’d still be a spoil sport.”
“True. True.” She wagged a finger up at him. “She has you there, Copper.”
“Coop-er. And you know that.” He shook his head. “You like playing the tottering old lady for effect.”
“Stop giving away all my games.” She smacked her hands on top of the table. “What else does an old lady have to do in this place?”
“You don’t have to put up with this kind of treatment.” I rose and put my arm around her, feigning indignation.I need that interview!“Sounds terribly disrespectful.”
“Nah, Cooper’s a good egg. A little rough around the edges.” She cast a look over her shoulder, a fond smile perched on her lips. I slid back into my seat.
“Hm.” She shook her head and picked up her mug. “Still needs a good woman to put the work in,” she said and sipped at her tea.