Page 115 of Chasing Headlines
“And fuck you, too, Cooper. You think you're some kind of hot shit, throwing a fastball like that? You're just trying to make me look bad.”
“You don't need Coop to make you look bad,” Jimenez spat at the ground. “Lo haces todo por tu cuenta.” He sneered.
“What'd you just call me?” Fendleman threw down his glove.
“Enough!” Eberhardt roared. “That's it, all of you, take a lap. In fact, take ten then hit the showers. You're done.”
Fuck.A collective groan rose from the group. I threw my glove at the ground and took a breath. Picked up my feet and started to jog toward the baseline. Ten laps was a pretty long distance to run at the end of practice. But we deserved it, as a team.
Jimenez caught up and fell in step beside me. Still muttering a string of obscenities. He'd pulled off his catcher gear and still caught up with me. I silently wished I could get away with swearing like he did. The jackass.
He huffed at me. “Still up for Hoppers?”
“Yeah. Sure.” I panted back. Damn, this run shouldn't be wearing me out like this.If I could get a decent night’s rest, maybe it wouldn’t.I willed my brain to focus on moving my feet and legs. The rhythmic crunch of dirt beneath my cleats.Breathe in through my nose, one two, out through my mouth, three four.The scent of grass and dirt jogged with me.
“I'll save you a seat.” Jimenez picked up his pace, moving ahead of me.
“Motherfucker.” I spit and swore at him. Willed my body to move faster.
There's no way I'll let him beat me.
Hoppers Dance Hall and Bar
The place was crammed on a Friday night. A ridiculous, oversized cowboy boot hung from the ceiling in the entrance. Shouting and jeering rang out and Jimenez stopped. “Woah, we gotta do that.” He pulled my arm over to the bizarre inflated flooring that surrounded a mechanical bull. Two people sat back-to-back, one holding on for dear life and the other laughing like a lunatic.
I groaned. “Terrible idea.”
“They gave it horns. And red eyes like a demon.”
“I'm starving. I need real food, not student center rations or senior living leftovers.”
The bull picked up speed, bucking and spinning. One person slid off the back landing on her back. She laid there, laughing while the mechanical 'animal' swung over her. It stopped short, sending the other one flying. The first one rolled just as her friend landed. I winced.
“Oh, dude, d'you see that?” Jimenez grabbed my shoulder. “That's brutal!”
“The one looks like she knocked her head on the other girl's shoulder.” I shook my head as both riders rose, giggling like mad as they tripped over the uneven mat. “Looks like a mess.”
“We're doing that, 'mano.”
“No, we're not.”
“We'll eat, first.” He clapped me on the back and steered me toward the bar. In the center of a . . . track?
“What the hell's that? More laps?”
“Dance floor. You get Reporter Chica to wear her short shorts and some cowboy boots and take her here as an excuse to put your hands all over her.”
I started to tell him to fuck off, the words were on my lips. And then a couple came whirling around the bend—the woman had one leg around the guy's thigh as they spun. Another couple appeared and that chick had her back flat against her partner. His hand glued to the bare skin beneath her ribcage. It looked like her ass was grinding into the front of his jeans. “In public?”
“Could be you, and Liv.” That asshole sang her name.
Oh God, I did not need more images of Milline implanted in my brain. I had zero desire to try dancing, but my body was all-in on . . . And they were not continuing around the dance floor. He maneuvered her into the bar . . . where they began to suck face.
“He's gonna get her pregnant in the parking lot.” Jimenez pointed after them.
“And you'd better not get anyone pregnant!”
I groaned. What had I done to deserve—Nope. Food. I scooted across the polished dance floor, intent on food and a 'recovery drink', or five. Whatever it took to get Coach's voice out of my head. He'd made it clear I was on the thinnest ice in existence. One wrong move and I was cut. This wasn't where I expected to be . . . I'd been at the top.How'd it get like this?