Page 11 of Chasing Headlines
Dad: I deposited some money in your account. It'll have to last you the semester. Sorry.
I sighed and ran a hand over my face. He's my dad. I didn't always like or see eye-to-eye with the man. But he's the only family I had left.
Dad: I still can't get a hold of Declan. What do I tell him about Mom?
Fuck Declan.Useless miscreant. If a younger brother could disown a worthless Army Ranger, I’d strip the “Cooper” out of the strands of Declan’s DNA with my bare hands.
Dad: I just miss her.
Dad: And you too son.
I hung my head. A heavy fucking wave slammed through my system, weighting me, my body, like an anchor tied around my chest. I leaned my forehead on my steering wheel, gasping, panting. Hot, unbreathable air choked my lungs. I’d been keeping myself mostly together. But the load kept getting heavier. The water was rising.
And I was running out of time.
Chapter Three
Breslin POV
Ijogged up the steps to the east end of the athletic building. I was on track to arrive early, aiming to talk to Coach about the mandatory study sessions versus my community service hours. I’d stopped at the campus bookstore to grab a water bottle and caved to a sale on last season’s Strikers baseball shirts. Bought one for Dad, and it was buy two, get one, or a terribly lame ploy by the female salesperson. Ally? Emily? Dark auburn hair and lots of freckles, she threw in a button-down jersey with the mascot’s name: Rally, on the back. Rally was a cooper hawk, also known as a “striker”.Can always donate it.
I spied a sign for the restrooms and the thought pinged in my brain to fill my water bottle.
I turned the corner, spotting the water fountain . . . and froze. Long, tan legs ran what looked like ninety feet to a pair of red running shorts—stuck to her legs in a sheen of sweat, and rounded at the top. She bent downintothe water fountain. Water ran over her forehead and cheeks to kiss her lips, then dribbled over her chin. She straightened, cupped her palm and dabbed a handful of water at her nape, then filled her “cup” again.
Blonde hair tied up in a ponytail, her light pink top was soaked through to the skin. God, I had a weakness for blondes. Especially the kind with long legs and?—
She hissed and turned her shoulders my direction, eyes closed and dragging one hand down her neck to her collarbone. My heart lurched and then stopped. The front of that shirt was see-through to the pinkish tan tips of her breasts. A chain reaction ignited. My body tightened,hard. Images swam in my brain—her in my bed, legs on my shoulders. Writhing and panting out my name.
Her eyelids lifted. Blue-green eyes sparked, and all I could think of was sucking water from the valley of her breasts.
“Thought we were supposed to shower in the dorms.”
She pressed her lips into a lopsided smirk. Jesus, I wanted that mouth on . . . any part of my body. I moved my duffel to cover the front of my shorts.
“Ha ha. Was just trying to cool down a little.”
“It's hot. But . . .” My gaze strayed down to her chest, again, and the rest of my sentence curved and broke. My brain reached for it, swung, but completely whiffed. Empty.
“But what?” Her eyes flit up to meet mine, then quickly away.
I swallowed, shook my head. I'd never been a suave conversationalist; I was an actions-speak-louder kinda guy. But this was ridiculous.
A light-colored eyebrow arched.
“You get used to it?”You're officially a moron, Breslin.
“I think not.” She huffed with a scowl. “Pretty sure this is what it feels like to live on Mercury.”
I had to kiss her. I could just . . . kiss her. Couldn't I? I was going to yank that blonde ponytail, lean down and kiss her senseless.
The slam of a door opening. Laughter. A male voice broke above the hum.
“. . . can't wait! Show you buncha assholes how it's done.” The voice echoed down the hall.
“Yeah, right. Bet you’re sucking wind out there with me and Hester.”