Page 24 of Storm's Mistake
“What does this mean?”
Pam smiled and tilted her head to the side. “What do you think it means?”
Lisa opened and closed her mouth, almost afraid to even say what she thought it meant.
“Shadow and I are…” She couldn’t bring herself to say it, in case it filled her with potential hope.
“Mates,” Pam said.
“That’s not possible.”
“Why not? You love him, don’t you? You love him still. Why can’t you guys be mates? It makes total sense, and you’re also pregnant. Your emotions are going to be heightened, and I don’t know if you cottoned onto this, but he is super protective of you. Like supercharged protective. Look what he did to that guy who tried to dance with you the other week. It makes a lot of sense.”
“But, he doesn’t want to be mated to me.”
Pam wrinkled her nose. “I’ve come to understand that some men can be assholes, especially in regard to their feelings.”
“You think Shadow was being an asshole?”
“For a guy who didn’t care about you and only saw you as weak and an easy fuck, he’s stuck around. He didn’t have to keep coming and visiting the coffee shop, but he did. I don’t know if he has told you this, or if you put two and two together, his housedoesn’t contain a single coffee ingredient.”
Lisa laughed. “He has already told me he can’t stand coffee.”
“For a guy who said what he said, don’t you think his actions are starting to get a little louder than his words?”
Before Lisa could say anything, the front door opened, and she already knew it was Shadow before he said a word.
“I know it’s early, but I wanted to check on you,” Shadow said.
“I’m in here,” Lisa said.
“On your feet again, what have I told you about this?”
While Shadow had already started to complain, Pam was mouthing words toward her, but she couldn’t quite make them out. The moment he entered the room, Pam stopped.
“You’re here,” Shadow said.
“Yeah, I am here, and that is my cue to leave. Just a little word to you, though, I would love a piece of carrot cake. Just saying.”
Lisa laughed. “Don’t worry, I will save you a piece.”
“You’re a doll,” Pam said. “Now, duty calls.”
Pam left and Lisa turned toward Shadow.
“What does Pam do?”
“Fuck if I know,” Shadow said. “You’re back on your feet again. I thought we had talked about this.”
“We did. You told me you didn’t want me on my feet all the time. I listened to you, and then decided not to agree, but I didn’t argue. Besides, we’re out of cake, and I like making cake. Also, your pack stops by a lot, and it seems rude not to have cake on hand to offer them. You’re going to have to pick up some coffee.”
“Why?” Shadow asked.
“It’s rude not to have it to offer to our guests.”
“They’re not guests, not to me. They have arriveduninvited, and they do not get a choice about what we have to drink.”
“You’re being rude,” Lisa said.