Page 13 of Storm's Mistake
“Are you sure? It could be good.”
“Some other time when I’m not so tired.” She did suddenly feel tired and hungry as well. Lisa glanced around as she had this weird sensation someone was following them.
“What’s wrong?” Adele asked.
“It’s nothing, just a weird feeling. Ignore me. It’s probably all that orange juice.”
She couldn’t exactly add “on an empty stomach,” as she had eaten before going out. Now, she was hungry again. What was wrong with her?
Shadow opened the door of his home to find Pam on his doorstep.
“You’re an asshole,” Pam said.
“And, Lisa won’t even talk to me right now. Why did you have to meddle?” Pam asked, brushing past him and going straight to his kitchen.
What was it with the damn pack eating all his food?
“There was no way I was going to allow some asshole to touch her, and I stopped it. What is the big problem?”
“Are you purposefully not seeing your asshole ways?” Pam asked.
“I’m not being an asshole, and will you stop eating my food?”
“You’re the Alpha, which means I get to eat your food, and you get to listen to me complain about everything and anything,” Pam said. “Now, hear me out, and I don’t even know why I’m even trying because all this is doing in landing at a brick wall.”
“Are you calling me a brick wall?”
“If the wall fits,” she said.
“That’s not how the term goes,” Shadow said. “Look, I know Lisa, and even if you were there to pick up guys, or do whatever you wanted to do, it wouldn’t have worked for her.”
“Why not?” Pam asked.
“Because, like I said, I know her, and she’s not interested in hooking up.”
“Have you ever thought that since you, she realizes relationships suck and men suck, and it would be much easier to keep things strictly casual?” Pam asked.
Shadow glared at her. “If that was the case, then she wouldn’t have any issue with me and her hooking up again.”
Pam wrinkled her nose. “Not necessarily. You’ve proven to be an asshole and a dick.”
“An asshole and a dick. I’m sure there is some law you’re breaking by constantly insulting me.”
Pam snorted. “Yeah, and seeing as you’re the Alpha, you should also know them, but I don’t see you holding your hand up.” She continued to glare at him.
There was no rule. Pack was able to go to their Alpha with any trouble and concern, and seeing as he was the leader, it was his job to listen and help resolve all matters. So far, his pack had been very quiet. He did everything he could for all of them and had no complaints.
He watched as Pam opened his fridge. This time, she went for the chocolate cake and he had had enough.
“No, no, stop eating my food. What is it with you? Why don’t you go and eat your own food? The full moon is coming—”
“Wait!” Pam held her hand out.
“I’m not falling for any trick, so put the damn cake back. That’s mine.” It had been one Lisa had baked for him. At the time, he was already eating a previous one she made, and she had told him it was good to store in the freezer, which is what he’d done.