Page 11 of Storm's Mistake
Lisa wore a black dress that plunged at the front, revealing the top part of her breasts. She had worn that dress once before, for him and him alone. He’d been the one to remove it from her body, using his teeth. She’d been begging and moaning, and the scent of her pussy had been heavy in the air. The memory was one of his favorites.
Lisa hadn’t been shy when it came to sex. Although she’d been a virgin, she had trusted him. That first time had been painful for her. The first thrust, that is. The moment he felt her virginity give way to his cock, the temptation to just take her hard and fast had been so strong. Even now, Shadow didn’t know how he’d been able to stop himself.
He’d held himself balls-deep inside her and waited until she was ready. Only then had he made love to her. He hadn’t even fucked her but took all night to make up for the brief pain he caused her. He had forgotten until this very moment that he’d hated hurting her and had never wanted to do it again. That night, holding her while she slept in his arms, he had vowed he would never hurt her again.
I fucked that one up.
With Lisa, he messed everything up and had no idea how to make it better.
Chapter Four
Lisa wasn’t in the mood for alcoholic drinks, so she stuck with orange juice. Adele allowed the vodka to flow and was determined to have a night to remember or not, depending on how much vodka she drank.
They already had to make a stop for some food on the way over. Lisa had been starving, although she had enjoyed a stack full of pancakes at breakfast and juicy beef burgers for lunch, which had been delicious. Then there were the snacks throughout the day. She had stopped by the local bakery for several cookies and other baked treats.
She’d never been one for a sweet tooth, and usually she liked to bake her own food. Only now, it had seemed too hard to wait for the making, baking, cooling, and frosting.
There was no evidence of all the food she’d been consuming. She was so going to gain weight this week. She was tempted to wait until this hunger thing passed and then perhaps go on a diet. She didn’t dare put on her jeans, in case they didn’t button or zip up.
Pushing those thoughts to the back of her mind, she instead focused on the bar. The dance floor was packed, and she suddenly wanted to dance.
“Come on,” she said, grabbing Pam’s and Adele’s hands and leading them onto the dance floor.
There was one time when Shadow took her on a date. It was a candlelit picnic. He’d brought his small music cassette player, and it felt so old-school and romantic. She had forced him to dance with her. They had made love under the stars.
Lisa didn’t know if that was the moment she had fallen in love with Shadow, or if it was another occasion. Either way, she had fallen hard for him, and now she was trying to get over him. Was that why she was eating so much? She was attempting to getover him by eating her feelings? That was a massive void to fill. No, she’d never eaten her feelings like this.
Ignoring all possible causes as to why she was eating a lot, she decided to just enjoy the Friday night with her friends. She was not much of a partier, but this was nice.
The three of them got along amazingly well, which she was pleased about. Adele had been a little nervous, as she’d not been friends with any wolves before. It would seem Adele didn’t want to get close to wolves. Lisa figured there was a story there, but she didn’t want to run the risk of bringing up bad memories for her friend. So, it was another mystery for them all.
That was what Lisa had come to figure out. Everyone at No Wolves Road, including the humans, had secrets. They didn’t always share their past lives or what led them to be in a town surrounded by wolves.
The music was a fast beat, and she loved that Pam didn’t care and just danced, swinging her arms from side to side, shaking her butt, and just getting into the song. Adele was a little more reserved, but still she danced, swaying, and holding one hand up in the air, while the other was across her waist. Lisa didn’t know how to dance, so she just let the beat wash over her and tried not to think about Shadow.
Although, she couldn’t help but think about him. Why did life have to be so cruel, to let her fall in love with a man who was never going to love her back? They were not destined to be together.
A hand banded around her waist, pulling her out of her thoughts.
“You look so freaking sexy, I think it is time I took you home.”
Lisa wasn’t used to pick-up lines, and this one had to be a little rusty, as it fell so flat. She nearly burst out laughing and was about to do just that, when a sudden growl seemed to bring themusic to a stop.
Lisa didn’t have much time to react before the guy who’d attempted to flirt with her was suddenly picked up. He looked like a rag doll as Shadow held him by the scruff of his shirt. She’d seen it happen in movies but not in real life. She hated when people caused scenes.
“Shadow, what are you doing?”
“Who the fuck do you think you are, touching her!” Shadow growled the words out.
Lisa saw his flesh seeming to change, and she was pretty sure she saw the shade of his wolf. He’d once told her what his wolf looked like. He was a white and grey wolf, tall, but serene. She’d never seen him as a wolf, but she had a horrible feeling that was happening now.
Rushing to him, she grabbed his arm. “Shadow, stop!”
To Lisa’s surprise, her friend grabbed her and began to pull her away.
“What the hell are you doing?” Lisa asked.