Page 36 of My One & Goalie
Circling my arms around her tiny frame, I pull her to me and hold her tight against my body.
I’m going to do whatever it takes to protect this woman and her son. Now and forever.
As much as I’d love to haul off and punch that asshole Charles square in his ugly face right now, I decide that’s not the best tactic to take here. For me or for Rachel and Jett. That’s the sort of behavior that landed me on probation in the first place and I can’t afford another setback.
“Jackson, do you have a sec?” I sink down onto the bench bordering the empty ice rink. I purposely came early to practice, hoping to catch him alone.
“Sure. What’s up?”
I toss a copy of theStarlight Bay Gazetteat him. He picks up the newspaper, scans it.
“Not great.”
I run a hand through my hair. “Yeah, I know. And this is the least of my concerns.”
“Does your main concern happen to involve a blonde single mom with a kid on our team?”
“It does.”
“I knew it. Harper suspected something was going on between you two.”
“She’s correct. But it’s not a fling, like the media’s saying. I really care about Rachel. A lot. I’ve never felt this way before. Iget that she has a child and I wouldn’t do anything to hurt him or make things more difficult for either of them. I know all too well what that’s like.”
Jackson raises his dark brows. “It seems like the two of you are doing everything right then. Fuck the media. So what’s the problem?”
“Oh, I should have guessed. That guy’s always been a dick.”
“Well, nothing’s changed. He really has it out for Rachel.”
Jackson wipes his palm on his joggers, glancing over at me. “You should stay out of it, Xander. Let Rachel handle her ex.”
Clasping my hands, I rest my elbows on my knees as I stare out at the rink.
“Normally, I would. If he stuck to the bully playbook and only slung insults. But he crossed the line Jackson—he hurt her. More than once now.”
“What? How?” Jackson’s brow furrows, a deep V forming between his eyes.
“Petty shit so far. Bruises on her forearms, her biceps. But he’s unhinged. The situation could escalate, you know?”
“Damn, I had no idea.”
“Rachel’s pretty private. I’m sure she doesn’t want anyone to know. I only found out because she flinched when I touched her.”
“Shit.” Jackson scrubs the back of his neck. “I want to kick his ass now, too. Has he ever hurt Jett?”
I shrug. “Not that I know of. Rachel would lose her mind if he did. But the guy’s a ticking time bomb.”
“Has she gone to the cops?”
“No. She doesn’t want to make waves and upset Jett. She’s downplaying the entire situation.”
“Man, you have to tread lightly. The last thing you need is Charles going to the police—or the media—about you.”