Page 49 of Brutal Reign
“If fate intervenes, that’s one thing,” Dad snarls, cutting her off, “but I won’t pressure my daughter to choose a mate just because she’s in line to be Alpha. Hell, I’d be happy if she never mated.”
“But who’s to say fate will match her with someone fit to lead?” Ellie counters. “I mean, look what happened to Avery Kessler.” She snorts a laugh, the snide sound of it setting my teeth on edge. “Can’t imagine your sister was happy about that one.”
“My sister is thrilled for Avery, actually,” Mom snaps.Ooh, that’s her annoyed voice, Ellie better tread carefully.“Like me, she prioritizes her daughter’s happiness over pack politics.”
Warmth blooms in my chest in response to her words.Love you, Mom.
“River and Jake make sense together,” Ellie presses.
I almost lose my footing and trip down the stairs, because What. The Actual.Fuck.
Did Jake put his parents up to this? Wasn’t it enough that I turned him down once? And moreover, aren’t we long past the archaic ways of arranged pairings for political motivations? I can’t even believe this is a topic of discussion in the first place, and thank fuck my parents seem to be on the same page as I am.
“If River and Jake liked each other and wanted to mate, that’d be one thing,” Mom replies in a clipped tone. “But we won’t be pressuring her to choose a mate, and we definitely won’t dictate who that mate has to be.”
“This conversation is over,” Dad barks, the threatening edge in his voice raising goosebumps on my own skin. “Itnever should’ve even begun in the first place. Cory, if you’re questioning my decision to installmy heiras Alpha, then you have no business being my Beta.”
“I never said that,” Cory rushes out, immediately backpedaling. “You know you always have my full support. It was merely a suggestion, and I meant no disrespect, Alpha. To you or to River.”
“Then you won’t ever bring this up again,” my father snarls back.
I’m gripping the handrail so hard that my fingers have gone numb. I knew things would change after Dad made that announcement last month, but I never imagined people would start making powerplays this soon.
As if I wasn’t already feeling the pressure.
I startle at the sound of approaching footsteps from below, resuming my descent by stumbling down a few more stairs before my mom steps into view at the bottom.
“Hey, honey,” she greets warmly. “I was just coming to check on you, the pack should start arriving any minute.” Her eyes flicker over my attire, a smirk lifting the corner of her mouth as they ping back up to meet mine. “You have a date I don’t know about?”
“Just trying on a new look,” I say, attempting to sound casual as I descend the last few steps.
As much as I want to ask her what the hell I just overheard, now isn’t the time to allow myself to get worked up. I need to stay calm and centered for this run.
I’m safe. I’m at peace. I’m in control.
“Did you do your exercises?” Mom asks quietly as I approach, her brows pinching together in concern. She can always tell when something’s up with me.
“Yep,” I reply with an emphatic nod. “All ready to run.” I force a cheerful, unbothered smile, and luckily, she seems to buy it.
The two of us make our way over to the living room, and I pointedly keep my distance from Cory, Ellie, and Jake as the first few members of our pack start to filter in. Within ten minutes, the packhouse fills up, bustling with activity like it always is before a full moon run.
Hayden finds me the moment she arrives, and I hang with her, making small talk and trying to put the conversation I overheard out of my mind until the last of the stragglers show up. Then my dad calls me over to join him at the front of the room, and I take my place beside my mom while he steps forward to start in on the pre-run announcements.
This part is usually boring for me, but since I’ve been away at the squad complex for the past two weeks, I’m out of the loop as to what’s been going on around here. Hearing the pack updates actually makes me miss home for the first time since I left. Dad keeps it short and sweet as always, knowing everyone’s itching to get outside and shift, and I can feel the energy escalate in the room as he wraps up.
“Alright,” he barks, rubbing his palms together eagerly as he sweeps his gaze over the gathered crowd. “Anything else before we run?”
“I have something!” Jake calls out.
My heart stutters in my chest as he steps forward, the rest of the pack looking on curiously while my mouth goes dry and my stomach bottoms out.
“You announced last month that River will succeed you as Alpha,” Jake says, gaze flickering towards me before returning to my father. He stands a little taller, lifting his chin confidently as he meets his stare. “I’m making a formal challenge for Alpha rank.”
The room draws a collective gasp. My own lungs cease to function, my breath caught somewhere in my throat as my blood turns to ice in my veins. All I can do is blink at Jake in disbelief, certain I must’ve just hallucinated.
“Against me?” Dad asks, his voice eerily calm.
Jake jerks his chin in my direction. “Against River.”