Page 28 of Brutal Reign
“Then why are you here?” I question, swiping a hand over my chin. “You never used to talk about going out for the squad as a fighter.”
“People change, Ace,” she deadpans. “You might’ve known me once, but not anymore. I’m here to train. And I’m not going anywhere, so if Seb doesn’t like it, then he can leave.”
“Your funeral, babygirl,” I sigh, the old nickname rolling off my tongue just as easily as it used to. I don’t mean to use it– it just slips out, hanging in the air between us as we stare into each other’s eyes, held captive by our shared history.
I’m the first to break, blowing out a breath as I turn away and scrub a hand over my face.
“Whatever,” River mutters, pivoting around in the direction she was heading before. She dismisses me by taking off running down the trail again while I just stand there watching after her for a few minutes, biting down on my lip until the metallic tang of blood coats my tongue.
Right before she disappears from sight, I take off at a light jog to follow. Just because I’ve been caught doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop watching over her.
She may not realize it, but I’m always watching.
There are a lot of perks to being a shifter. The enhanced speed and strength come in handy, and the night vision is clutch. The rapid healing is pretty slick, too, but the absolute best part of shifter life is the ability to take on my animal form. When I’m embodying my wolf, all my human frustrations fade into the background and I finally get a break from all the shit that’s constantly plaguing my mind. Right now, it’s just me and the forest.
Well, and these three assholes running alongside me.
Ace, Beau, and Eli are all keeping pace, the four of us burning off our chaotic energy with a post-training run. The squad leaders posted the rankings today, and none of them seem pleased with where they fell. As a future Alpha, I didn’t get ranked- some bullshit about not wanting to measure us directly against our peers due to our elevated status– but everybody knows I would’ve been at the top of that board if I had. It’s why I was paired with Kendrick Hall as my sparring partner; the guy in the number one slot.
He also happens to be one of River’s new besties, so it was fun knocking him around today.
Ace came in seventh, and he’s partnered with Nate Hines, the guy who finished running laps first on day one. Beau and Eli were ranked twelfth and eighteenth, and they’re both salty as hell about it. They wound up being paired with each other to spar this week, though, so at least they’ll have the advantage of knowing one another’s techniques to showcase their skills and advance in the rankings.
All of it is just a fucking means to an end. If I was already a squad leader, I’d be able to pick out the best of the best within the first week. Instead, the current leaders put us through six weeks of this bullshit just to reach the same result. Once I’m officially initiated into squad leadership, I’ll be pushing for some changes to this archaic boot camp, starting with Alphas being exempt.
I throw back my neck and howl as I pivot to head back to the complex, my packmates howling back as they change course and follow my lead. Our paws drum against the earth at a steady rhythm, the sounds of the forest around us creating a symphony that’ll never get old. It’s instinctual for us to be drawn to nature; running wild and free out here is when we truly come alive.
With a swift kick of my hind legs, I leap over a massive, felled tree, launching myself into the air and landing on the other side. Then I spring off my front paws, using the momentum to propel me forward faster, quickly gaining distance on the others. The breeze whips through my fur, the birds scattering from the trees overhead and small animals diving to seek cover. I’m an apex predator, and everything out here senses it from my aura alone, wisely keeping their distance.
I eventually slow my pace as the squad complex comes into view up ahead, allowing my friends to catch up. The three of them fan out around me, and all of us ease into a leisurely walk as we come upon the grove of trees where we left our clothes, shifting back to our human forms and silently getting dressed.We’re still coming down from the high of the run, adrenaline slowly ebbing as we settle back into our human skin.
“I’m fucking starving,” Eli groans, always the first to break the companionable silence after a run.
“Me too,” Beau agrees as he adjusts the waistband of his athletic shorts on his hips. “I hope they’re serving something decent tonight.”
Eli makes a scoffing sound in his throat. “You’re too picky, man. The steak last night was awesome.”
“It was alright,” Beau mutters.
I tune them out as they bicker about food preferences, glancing toward Ace as he slides a joint and lighter out of his pocket, beckoning me with a flick of his head. I sidestep closer to him as Beau and Eli’s banter dies down.
“We’re gonna head over to the dining hall, you guys comin’?” Eli asks, turning toward us and throwing a thumb over his shoulder in the direction of the squad complex.
I glance toward Ace as he brings the joint to his lips and flicks the top of his Zippo lighter open. “We’ll catch up.”
The two of them nod in understanding, tossing us a wave as they start to walk away, while Ace lights the end of the joint and takes a long drag. He holds the smoke in his lungs for a few seconds, twirling the perfectly-rolled joint between his fingers as Beau and Eli wander out of earshot.
“Talked to Riv this morning,” Ace mumbles on his exhale, so fucking casual that it takes me a second to process what he actually says.
I jerk my head in his direction, brows shooting up. “When?”
“On her morning run.” He takes another hit, sucking the smoke in deep before holding the joint out to me in offering.
I snatch it from his fingers, pinching it between my lips and taking a hit while my mind churns. “What’d you talk about?” I grumble as I blow out the smoke and hand it back over.
He shrugs a shoulder as he takes it from my fingers. “Not a whole lot, she told me about some band she wants to see play in Boulder.” He puffs on the joint, my muscles coiling tighter with each second that slips by before he finally exhales. “She’s pretty adamant about sticking around training camp.”