Page 25 of Brutal Reign
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?” Seb snarls.
“You’re a big boy, I’m sure you can figure it out,” I say, patting his chest patronizingly as I slide past him. “You’re not the only one who’s all grown up now, Sebby.”
A growl rumbles in Seb’s chest as he pivots around, storming off toward the exit of the barracks. Not gonna lie, it’s satisfying as hell to be the one rattling him for once instead of the other way around.
“You shouldn’t have done that,” Ace murmurs, shaking his head as he watches after his friend.
“Why not?” I scoff, still on my bullshit. “You two made it clear a long time ago that you no longer give a shit about me.”
Ace just continues shaking his head, blowing out a slow breath before turning on a heel and walking away. The shadows cling to his retreating form, my eyes catching on the ripple of his defined back muscles beneath the tight fabric of his t-shirt.I assume he’s about to go after Seb, but he makes his way over to his bunk instead, flopping down onto it with a heavy sigh and throwing an arm up over his face to shield his eyes.
Maybe he really does have a migraine. He used to get headaches off and on, so it’s entirely plausible that Seb was telling the truth when he said that’s why they left the bar. I shouldn’t read into things beyond face value when it comes to these two. Not when they’re exactly as they seem.
Shoring up my composure, I force myself to look away from Ace’s bunk, starting for the locker room to change into my pajamas and switch from contact lenses to glasses. I make quick work of both, and when I come back into the barracks and climb up into my bunk, he’s still lying there on his own.
As much as I can’t stand Ace Conway, part of me is glad for it. Ace has always made me feel safe. After the events of tonight, I need that feeling of safety if I have any hope of closing my eyes and getting some sleep.
Doesn’t mean I don’t still hate him.
“C’mon, keep up!” I shout as I run through the forest, my voice cracking embarrassingly on the last word. Puberty’s a real bitch.
River either doesn’t notice or decides to pass up the opportunity to tease me about it, huffing and puffing behind me. “I’m trying!” she whines, her voice sounding far away.
I glance back over my shoulder to clock her position, then skid to a stop when I see how far behind she’s fallen, folding my arms over my chest as I pause to wait for her to catch up.
“You suck at running,” I comment as she draws closer, heavy breaths sawing from her lungs.
She slows as she approaches me, full lips twisted in a scowl. “I hate running.”
“Wonder why,” I snicker.
She winds up a fist, delivering a sharp jab to my bicep. “Shut up.”
“Then keep up.”
River rolls her eyes, knocking her shoulder into mine as she barges past me. “Ugh, come on, then. It’s not that much farther, is it? This had better be good if he’s making us run to meet him.”
“Well, it sounded important,” I reply, pivoting around to start after her.
“Seb thinks everything he has to say is important,” she pants, still struggling for breath as I easily catch up.
I snort a laugh because she’s not wrong. While the three of us have been best friends for as long as I can remember, Seb and River have always had friction between them. Probably their Alpha blood. The two of them are just lucky they’ve got me around to keep the peace, or they’d have for sure killed each other by now.
“Look, there it is,” I remark, pointing to the break in the trees ahead. My parents’ old cabin is still standing, though it’s definitely seen better days. The shabby hunting shack looks like it’s one strong wind from toppling over.
“Ugh, finally!” River groans, putting forth a last push of energy to jog the remaining distance. I keep in pace beside her, sweeping my gaze around as we emerge from the trees at the cabin and she asks, “Where is he?”
“Here!” Seb calls, stepping out from around the other side of the crumbling structure with a huge grin stretching his lips. He’s clad only in his boxers, and the lack of clothing draws even more attention to his awkward, lanky body. He just had a major growth spurt, his height pushing over six feet seemingly overnight, and the rest of him has yet to catch up. Total Jack Skellington vibes.
River stops in her tracks, mouth dropping open and brow furrowing in confusion. Gotta admit, I’m just as lost as to why Seb made us rush out here to see him hanging out in his underwear.
“You guys ready to have your minds blown?” Seb asks, his grin widening as he slides his gaze between us.
I eye him dubiously. “Uhh, what’s going on, dude?”