Page 139 of Brutal Reign
Chase makes a scoffing sound in his throat. “Bring it on, Jacobsen.”
Why the fuck do they sound so much like Seb and Riv right now?
Ugh, I need to scrub that comparison from my memory.
“Orwe could all just get along for the sake of the kids,” my mom sing-songs, ever the eternal optimist. Love her for it.
“Christmases are gonna be a real treat,” River muses.
Theo groans and scrubs a hand over his face, as if the thought of sharing holidays never even occurred to him. “Is it too late to break the bond?” he mutters.
“We don’t talk about broken bonds in this house,” my dad mumbles, his lips curving in a smile as he shares a long look with my mom.
Yeah, we’re all aware of their epic love story, broken bond and all.
“You’re stuck with us, Theo,” Vienna declares smugly, waggling her brows at him. “Better get used to it.”
“Oh, he’ll come around,” Brooke laughs. “He always does, don’t you, babe?” she asks, turning to him and batting her lashes.
He grunts and takes another sip of his beer, which seems like his answer to just about everything tonight.
Despite his prickly demeanor, I know for a fact that he’s more accepting of River’s bonds than he’s letting on. That chat I had with him in his garage yesterday wasn’t all threats of death and dismemberment. He said it was good to see his daughter so happy, and that he knew we had some part in making that happen. He also made me promise that we’d take good care of his daughter, and I swore to him that he’d never need to doubt Seb and I when it comes to River’s happiness. Just as much as she’sours, we’rehers.
As if he knows what I’m thinking, he flickers me a glance, the corner of his mouth lifting imperceptibly before he hides it with his beer bottle.
Me and Riv’s old man will be buddies in no time.
Seb’s got more work to do, but I’m sure he’ll get in with Theo eventually. The two of them are more alike than they even realize. It’s easy for me to recognize, since I know Seb better than anyone. Which is why I also know that while he acts like he doesn’t care, he’s dying for River’s father’s approval and will stop at nothing to gain it.
“Have you kids given any thought to how you’ll handle your packs when Seb and River take Alpha rank?” my mom asks, glancing between us curiously.
“We haven’t decided anything, but we’re open to suggestions,” I reply with a shrug. “Like I told Beau, our bond is outside the norm, so our pack dynamics will probably have to be, too.”
“Too bad Goldenleaf is in between our territories so you can’t just merge,” my dad puts in, swiping a hand over his chin.
“We’ve got time to figure it out,” Seb grumbles. “For now, I think we all just wanna finish training camp and settle into this bond. Enjoy life for a while before responsibility comes knocking.”
River nods enthusiastically. “I’m definitely on board with that.”
“Hate to break it to you, kiddo, but squad leadershipisresponsibility,” Theo points out, giving River one of those stern father looks.
“A lot less than leading a pack,” she quips, grinning at him.
He smiles back at her, tipping his head. “Fair point.”
The fact that Riv and her dad are getting along just goes to show that something good came out of Jake’s challenge. There’s a newfound respect between them, and I know how much that means to River.
“Bet you kids can’t wait to get out of the barracks,” Vienna remarks, chuckling to herself as she no doubt recalls her own experience at training camp. “I definitely don’t miss those days.”
The three of us exchange glances, and I already know Seb’s going to blurt something out before he even opens his mouth. I’m not quick enough to stop him, though, and I cringe as he says, “Actually, we just got our own dorm room.”
Theo jerks his head in Seb’s direction, narrowing his eyes. “You and Ace?”
Well shit, here it goes.
“The three of us,” River clarifies, jumping in before Seb can respond and her father skewers him for it. “We’remates, Dad. Don’t act like you and Mom didn’t move in together after you sealed your bond.”
He glares back at her, the muscle in his jaw feathering as he bites back his response. Surprisingly, he doesn’t jump up or flip the table– two very realistic possibilities when it comes to Alpha Theo– and instead dips his head in a nod, turning back to Chase and lifting his now empty beer bottle. “Got another one of these?”