Page 133 of Brutal Reign
Rather than heading backto our dorm room when we return to the squad complex, we go to the recruit barracks instead, intent on packing up River’s things so she can officially move in with us. When the three of us enter, it feels as if all eyes land on us. Not only are our fresh marks visible to our fellow recruits, but sealing the bond changed our scent signatures. Everyone here knows exactly what we got up to last night without having to say a word.
I hold my head high as I proudly stride down the aisle of bunks with my mate, feeling like I’m on top of the fucking world. There isn’t a thing that can touch this euphoric high I’m riding.
Not even Chandler and Jake can bring down my mood. The two of them are huddled on her bunk, whispering conspiratorially to one another, but I barely glance their way as we pass. Whatever they’re up to, they’d better watch their backs. They’re no match for River while Ace and I have hers.
The purple-haired menace pops up from her bunk as soon as she sees River coming, rushing toward her with a feral grin. “When do I get to see the room?!” Hayden gushes, linking her arm with Riv’s and pulling her away from us, toward their shared bunk. “I say we kick the boys out, have a girls’ night.”
“Not happening,” I reply flatly.
River chuckles as she swivels to face me, her arm still linked with Hayden’s. “You know you two are gonna have to learn to get along at some point,” she admonishes.
Hayden makes a face, sticking out her tongue at me like a fucking child while I grunt in discontent. There’s no way I’ll ever learn to appreciate her the way River does. Gus and Kendrick are alright, but Hayden’s annoying as shit.
As if summoned by my thoughts, the two guys climb off their bunks and greet River warmly while I grit my teeth against the urge to tear her away from them. In an effort to distract myself, I glance across the barracks toward my old bunk, spotting Beau and Eli as they wander over to join us.
“Hey, Luna,” Beau greets smugly as the two of them rock up, tipping his head to Riv. “Nice marks.”
Hayden makes a scoffing sound in her throat as she turns to look at Beau. “Wrong title, dude. She’sAlpha.”
“Well she’sourLuna,” Eli reasons, nudging Ace. “Back me up here, bro.”
“Actually, that’s still undecided,” Ace murmurs thoughtfully.
Beau’s face screws up in confusion. “What do you mean? You obviously sealed the mate bond.”
“Yeah, but she’s an Alpha with her own pack,” Ace replies calmly. “Our bond is outside of the norm, so maybe that calls for a pack dynamic outside of the norm, too. We still haven’t decided how we’re going to handle everything when Seb and River take their ranks.”
“We’ve got plenty of time to work it out,” I add, sidestepping to clap a hand down on Beau’s shoulder. “My dad’s nowhere near ready to retire.”
“Mine either,” River chuckles, glancing past me at the other recruits filing out of the barracks. Her eyes ping up to the digital clock on the wall and she cringes, hissing in a breath through herteeth. “Shit, we’re all gonna be running laps if we don’t get out there…”
In hindsight, we probably should’ve checked the time when we returned from our run.
“We can pack up your stuff after lunch,” Ace suggests, turning on a heel and beckoning our mate with a flick of his head. “C’mon, babygirl. We all know how much you hate running.”
Hayden snorts a laugh, slinging an arm over Riv’s shoulders to start toward the exit. I allow her to make it a whole two steps before I steal my girl back from her purple-hairedbestie, tossing Hayden a glare that dares her to put up a fight. She wisely doesn’t; she just makes another stupid face that annoys the hell out of me.
Ace naturally falls into step with the two of us while we make our way toward the exit of the barracks, taking up his post on River’s other side as we push through the double doors and step onto the practice field. The Kessler twins are already there waiting to begin our training session, Madd wearing his trademark scowl and Avery grinning like the cat that got the cream.
She runs a hand through her long blonde hair as she strides over to meet us halfway, eyes sparkling as they settle on her cousin. “So,” she remarks with a mischievous wag of her brows. “I hear congratulations are in order?”
No matter how much I prepare for this challenge, I’m still nervous to take it on. So much is riding on thisonenight; thisonefight. The future of my pack and my family’s legacy hinges on the outcome, and it’s up to me and me alone to beat Jake and secure my rightful place as Alpha.
The pressure is starting to get to me. I’m wound up tight, my muscles tense and my mind racing as I sit alone in my childhood bedroom, trying to meditate. When I came up here, my goal was to do deep breathing exercises and try to find some semblance of inner peace. Instead, I’m just overthinking every aspect of what’s to come, considering all the ways it could go wrong.
I must look anything but calm right now, because when Seb barges in to check on me, his playful expression shifts on a dime. He clocks the anguish in my eyes and the anxious bounce of my knee, his brow furrowing.
“I’ll go get Ace,” Seb murmurs, turning to leave.
“No, wait!” I gasp, punching my fists against the mattress and shoving up to my feet.
Seb immediately pivots back around, his dark eyes locking with mine.
“I don’t need Ace right now,” I grumble, stabbing my fingers through my hair as I advance a step in his direction. “I needyou, Seb.”
“Me?” he repeats, wrinkling his nose in confusion.