Page 91 of Rescuing Sophia
We have direction now. We’re going no matter what Malfor has planned or what traps he might have set.
The ready roomhas transformed into a war zone. Screens flicker with satellite imagery, 3D models rotate in mid-air, and the air is thick with tension and determination. Ethan and I stand before the main display, our faces bathed in the blue glow of data streams.
“Alright,” Ethan says, his voice low and focused. “We need to approach this smart. Malfor’s expecting us. How do we avoid playing into his hands?”
I take a deep breath, forcing myself to think tactically rather than emotionally. “We subvert his expectations. He’ll be prepared for a frontal assault. We need to hit him from multiple angles.”
Ethan’s eyebrow raises, a glimmer of interest in his eyes. “Go on.”
“A three-pronged approach,” I continue, warming to the idea. “We create a diversion at the main gate, loud and obvious. The second team comes in from the sea, scaling those impassible cliffs. The third team comes from above. Either parachuting in or hang gliding.” I point to the cliffs above Malfor’s villa.
Ethan nods slowly, considering. “It’s risky, but it might just work. The cliff climb is going to be a hell of a challenge, though.”
“That’s why we put our best climbers on that team. Gabe and I have the most experience with vertical ascents. We can do this.”
Ethan shakes his head firmly. “You’re too emotionally invested. I can’t have you on the most dangerous approach. You’ll be with me, parachuting in.” Before I can respond, Walt calls out from across the room.
“Ethan, Blake. You need to see this.”
We make our way to Walt and Rigel, who are hunched over an array of screens displaying satellite imagery. The images show Malfor’s compound from various angles and at different times of day.
“What are we looking at?” Ethan asks, his eyes scanning the displays.
Rigel zooms in on one image, enhancing a section of the perimeter wall. “See these shadows? They’re consistent with mobile gun emplacements. And here,” he swipes to another image, “thermal imaging suggests automated defense systems on the roof.”
“Damn,” I mutter, the complexity of our task becoming even more apparent. “Any blind spots?”
Walt shakes his head grimly. “Not that we can see. This place is locked down tight. But,” he pulls up another image, this one focusing on the cliff face, “we might have caught a break here. See these indentations? They could be handholds, possibly left over from the original construction.”
Ethan leans in, his eyes narrowing. “Good catch. That could make our cliff approach more viable. Blake, what do you think?”
I study the image, my mind racing with possibilities. “It’s something, but we can’t count on it. We need to be prepared for a sheer climb.”
“Agreed.” Ethan nods. “Alright, let’s get the team together. Time to put all this intel to use.”
Minutes later, Charlie team is assembled in the VR training space. The VR world has been transformed into a precise replica of Malfor’s compound, every detail meticulously recreated from the bumblebee’s gathered intelligence.
“Listen up,” Ethan’s voice carries across the room. “We’rerunning full combat and rescue sims. I want everyone cycling through each approach—land assault, cliff climb, and aerial insertion. Gabe, Walt, you’re on Team One, land assault. Rigel and Hank, you’re on Team Two, cliff climb. Blake, you’re with me on Team Three, parachute insertion.”
As we don our VR gear, a surge of adrenaline rushes through me. This is it. Our first real step toward rescuing Sophia.
“Remember,” Ethan continues, “Malfor’s men will be using live ammunition. In this sim, if you’re hit, you’re out. Treat every engagement as if your life depends on it because when we do this for real, it will.”
The first simulation begins, and it’s a disaster from the start.
The simulation begins, and Ethan and I are suddenly in a plane, high above Malfor’s fortress. The night sky surrounds us, and the compound below looks like a malevolent spider web of lights and defenses.
“Team Two, you’re clear to start your ascent,” Ethan continues. “Team Three, you have the go.” Ethan’s voice crackles in my ear. “Begin your approach.”
Ethan and I jump; the rush of freefall sends my heart racing. As we near our drop zone, I deploy my chute. The sudden jerk as it opens feels all too real.
“Team One, begin your assault,” Ethan orders as we drift silently toward the compound.
In the distance, explosions and gunfire rip through the air.