Page 17 of Rescuing Sophia
We climb out of the cart, and I’m immediately enveloped in a warm hug. The familiar scent of Jenna’s perfume—a light, floral fragrance—brings back a flood of memories, both good and beyond painful.
“It’s so good to see you.” I’m suddenly blinking back tears.
“You look amazing.” Jenna pulls back, her hands on my shoulders as she looks me over. “How are you settling in?”
“It’s a lot to take in,” I admit. “Blake’s been showing me around.”
“That’s great.” Jenna’s gaze flicks to Blake. “Blake’s one of the best.”
“So, what’s all this?” I gesture to the empty building behind her.
“Oh, it’s wonderful.” Jenna’s excitement returns in full force. “Guardian HRS is letting me open a coffee shop here at HQ. Since I had to give up my old place for witness protection, they thought this would be a good way for me to keep busy and feel useful.”
The words hit me like a slap in the face.
While I was enduring years of captivity and abuse, Jenna was living a normal life, running a successful coffee shop. And now, even in hiding, she’s given opportunities I can only imagine. I push the bitter thoughts aside, forcing enthusiasm into my voice.
“That’s amazing. I’m so happy for you.”
“Thanks.” Jenna beams. “Maybe you’d like to help out? Once we get things up and running, of course. It could be fun.”
“That’s really sweet of you to offer,” I say slowly. “Let me think about it, okay? I’m still getting my bearings here.”
“Of course, no pressure.” Jenna’s smile dims slightly. “Just know the offer’s open if you want it.”
We say our goodbyes and I climb back onto the golf cart.
“Jenna seems really happy.” I smooth my hair back, trying to keep my voice casual.
“We’re glad we can give her a chance at a normal life.” Blake hops into the driver’s seat, glancing at me with a playful grin.
“Hey, I thought I was gonna drive,” I protest, a mock pout forming on my lips.
“You’ve abused this poor cart enough today.” He winks as he starts the engine.
As we approach the Guardian’s building, a growing sense of isolation wraps around me. Despite the tour and seeing Jenna, my outsider status is glaringly apparent.
I don’t belong here, not really. I’m a guest at best and a burden at worst.
But as Blake helps me out of the cart, his hand is warm and steady on mine. I push the ugly thoughts aside. I have a purpose here, a mission of my own, and I’m determined to see it through, no matter what it takes.
“Are you ready to meet the team?” A hint of a smile plays on his lips.
“Lead the way.” I square my shoulders, summoning every ounce of confidence I can muster.
The Guardian buildinglooms before me, a utilitarian square structure that screams efficiency. As we step inside, the scent of gun oil and sweat fills my nostrils, a sharp contrast to the crisp ocean air outside. The underlying tang of metal adds a final touch to the overtly masculine atmosphere.
Each corner houses a bullpen for the different teams—Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta. My attention is drawn to the center, where a massive conference room stands, brimming with high-tech equipment that makes my fingers itch to explore.
“Wait here while I change into PT gear. Won’t be long.” Blake’s hand on my lower back sends a shiver up my spine as he guides me to the conference room.
The moment he disappears down a hallway, I’m on my feet, circling the room. My heart races as I take in every piece of technology. It’s mind-blowing.
Computers with multiple screens, communication devices I’ve never seen before, and access points that could lead to who knows what kind of information. It’s a goldmine, and I’m standing right in the middle of it.